
I just took a freezing cold shower and ice bath and now my thumbs are very pale and keep tingling....?

by  |  earlier

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It feels like they fell asleep, but I still have all feeling in it. Is this bad?




  1. No this is common feeling those feel that spend allot of time outdoors in the winter.    Be sure not to put hot water on them or they will go numb.    I go to an ice bath at the gym which gives the same effect.   You rotate between 55 deg bath 6 minutes, then 100 deg bath.  Opens up the blood vessels, takes the swelling out of your joints.  Good for injuries and arthiritis.

  2. I guess you got too cold in the shower/bath as these are classic signs of exposure. Get yourself warm by putting on extra clothing, sipping warm drinks and rubbing your hands together to get blood circulating properly again (not at the same time, lol). You should be fine in about an hour. If your skin starts to turn bluish-grey then get to A&E pronto.

    Hope everything goes OK.

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