
I just took my braces off yesterday && they were str8 but today I look at them && they look crooked....?

by  |  earlier

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is it just me...or something, cuz when i take a pic they look str8 in the pic... IDK i'm ortho is a good ortho && he didnt give the retainerr yet he took the mold for it yest =/ HELP

I didn't get my retaner yet i'm getting it in 9/4 =( c**p =/

wen i get my retainerr on will it shift the teeth that moved bak into place again...IDKK i'm worried but i dun wanna b annoyinggg to the ortho i mean he shld noe what hes doing...




  1. its probably just you. teeth dont move a lot over just a period of 1 night. your retainer might fix them, but might not. it depends on how crooked it is and how much it has settled into your gums.

  2. Don't worry about it. I'm sure it's just you.  

  3. i think that you should ask your dentsist because it sounds kindof serious!

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