
I just took too much Claritin...!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I always take one Claritin pill a day because of my allergies, and the box says "not more than 1 tablet in 24 hours"

well, I had forgotten that I took one this afternoon and just took another one a few minutes ago!!!

I'm only 17....

will i be okay!?????





  1. just relax. You will be fine

  2. you should be fine ,take it easy

  3. two in one day is OK if you have a bad allergic reaction, so you should be fine. Better set up one time of day for you to take them, I always take mine last thing at night, as part of my bedtime ritual.

  4. ive done this before with zyrtec and i was fine.  it made me really tired for a few hours, but nothing too bad.  as long as you dont take anymore, you'll be fine.

  5. You most likely will, chill dont have  a heart attack. You didnt take the whole box

  6. you will be fine

  7. You'll  be fine.

    Just don't make a habit of it.

  8. yeah im sure if you only took two silly. ha just don't do it again.

  9. Seek emergency medical attention if you think you have used too much of this medicine.

    Overdose symptoms may include headache, drowsiness, and fast or pounding heartbeat.

  10. You may have some crazy dreams!  I took just one and the first night I took it, I had some weird vivid dreams.

    If I were you, I would call a pharmacist or doctor if they are available.  If not I would call the poison control and ask them.  1-800-222-1222.

  11. funny you would be asking for an answer to this on an alternitive site! why not assk a doctor or your local drug pusher Walgreens!

  12. Don't worry. I have done that by accident also. You see, I have LOTS of allergies. So, it really didn't do anything accept make me dizzy and a little natious. If you have a lot of allergies, it will probably do the same. If not, you may want to look on some helpful heath websites. Or call your doctor. If no strange symptoms such as seeing things, and hearing things occur in the next 20 minutes. You will be fine. You might throw it up. But you'll be fine. (: Hope this helps.

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