
I just traded Larry Fitzgerald for Plaxico Burress..good trade? ?

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I just traded Larry Fitzgerald for Plaxico Burress..good trade? ?




  1. I'd say it's 6 of one and a half dozen of the other.

    I don't see from a points stand point where the trade will actually matter. I see defenses giving a little more attention to Burress, however in Arizona if you double up on Fitzy you're going to be burned by Boldin.

    Personally I would have kept Fitzy. Leinart seems to have his act together and is showing more signs of production.

  2. larry fitzgerald is a top 5 reciever this year..also push to get steve smith of the panthers....a big sleeper this year after last seasons qb indifferences...

  3. i dont think it really matters that much both are injury prone.

  4. i dont think so just becuase larry is higher up than plaxico so u could have got mayb plaxico and an RB or something but none the less, plaxico is a big time receiver, u didnt lose much

  5. why would u trade a great WR for a great WR u should of traded ur 1st and 2nd round pick for burress thats how i got TO to the raiders (best trade ever)

  6. Good trade because Fitzgerald is a great player

  7. I think that's a very good trade.  If they're both playing, Fitzgerald will probably put up slightly better numbers than Plax, but since Fitzgerald usually misses a lot of games, Plaxico is a better player to have.

  8. No that is not very good, plaxico burress is to injury prone and larry fitz is a better overall reciever and will get you more points in fantasy

  9. I would say that you got ripped off. Larry Fitzgerald will be much better this year. Burress isnt as good as Fitzgerald anymore.

  10. Terrible trade, Fitzgerald is so much better. Besides, what kind of Jets fan trades for a Giants star?

  11. I dont know. It is iffy because plaxico is in a contract dispute so he might not go 100 percent, but at the same time he is now their omega target since they traded shocky. Larry however got a new contract and is happy. he is also consistentand did really well last year, also plaxico will know almost always be double teamed while larry wont get as many double teams since on the other side of the feild is anquon boldin who is also a monster, anquon is in a contract dispute right know so larry will most likely be there definite number one reciever. so all in all it was probably an alright trade... as of right now you didnt lose, but you didnt win either... this is a trade that you cant really tell if you won or lost until mid season.

  12. no not at all larrys got way better hands an hes faster he would win in a one on one match

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