
I just turned 15 and I have been the same height for the last 3 years?

by Guest56899  |  earlier

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I just recently went in for a checkup and I'm still 5'3! I have been 5'3 since I was 12! I got my period right when I turned 11, so I was an early bloomer. Is 5'3 short because everyone in my high school is a lot taller than me? Do you think I'm finished growing, or is there still hope?




  1. being short isnt bad if your a girl so you really shouldnt worry. 5 3 is fine and you stilll grow until your around 21. drink milk it strenthens your bones which makes them straiter and therefore making you a few inches taller

  2. I had my period early to and when I was 12 I went to the docter and I was 5'2  and I am 20 and I am still 5'2 they say its having your period so early! you are done growing! :)

  3. 5ft3 is not short, better than to be tall,i can assure you,guys find girls in this high more attractive

  4. I hate to tell you but I think you've reached your personal peak.  I was 5"7 by the time I was 12 and that was all I got.  If you haven't grown for 3 years I can't see it happening.  I'd love to be 5"10 and I'm sure there are people out there (like you) who'd love to be my height.  We all wanna be taller! (unless we're 6"7 or something).

    Just be happy you are (I hope) healthy and happy with everything in good working order.  That's all any of us can hope for honey.

  5. Everyone grows at a different rate.  I'm 15 and grew about an inch this past year.  It's just different for everyone.

  6. Read this:

    It's basically saying you may grow a couple more inches after your first P.

    I think your height can depend on your parents heights too.

    My mother is 5'3 and my dad is 6'.

    My sister and I both grew to 5'6 1/2.

    My brother 6'1.

  7. For girls it is sad that once they start the menstrual cycle, they basically stop growing, maybe an inch or two but generally stay the same height.

  8. personally all people are different shapes and sizes so hopefully give it another year and you will be nice and tall :)

    i hope i answerd your question right.

  9. Honestly.. I haven't grown since i was 14, and im 16 now.

    And my feet have stopped growing too. [ thank goodness]

    When your feet stop growing, you wont grow anymore.

    Which is a good thing for me.. because im already 5'7.

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