
I just turned 15 and im pregnant, how do i tell my parents and what do i do?

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i just turned 15 a week ago and i found out yesterday im pregant how do i tell my mom and dad, should i get a abortion , or should i just drop out of school plz help?




  1. Don't get an abortion-tell your parents. They will help you, TRUST me!

    If you do not want to keep the baby-consider adoption! There are a lot of couples that cannot have children

  2. Don't get an abortion right away, sit your parents down and tell them about, be as honest as you can...maybe they can help with your decision, they may even help raise it while you finish school...the father should help out as well, hopefully he stays around to support you...but if he is a jerk it might be better not to marry him when the time comes

  3. first talk to your parents they will be able to help you first and for most!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    good luck

  4. Don't drop out of school.

    Make a game plan, like... staying in school, while working part time to save money, keeping the baby vs. adoption, etc.

    Once you come up with something that will suit your needs and wants and life goals...  Write your parents a letter and sit with them while they read it.  Otherwise just take your mom aside and tell her.  If you have a plan ^^ (like I just mentioned)  they'll be happier about the fact you're being responsible.

    And, the sooner you tell them the better - they'll be furious if you keep it from them for a long time.  Telling them right now would be responsible.

    You're their baby...  They'll eventually come around.  They might be disappointed, but they won't hate you.  You'll be the mother of their grandbaby.

    Don't drop out of school though hun, and abortion is definitely not the way.  Adoption is a great choice if you don't want to keep the baby!

    Good luck sweetheart.

  5. Please don't get an abortion. If you really feel that you don't want to raise a baby, give it up for adoption. You chose to have s*x at 15, and now you need to choose what is best for your baby. If you choose to keep it, you DO NOT have to quit school. There are tons of programs out there to help young mothers finish school. As far as telling your parents, do it now and get it over with. Of course they will be a little upset, but they will probably end up being your greatest supporters, and you are going to need it. The sooner you tell your mother, the sooner you have someone to lean on! The first thing that you need to do is find out from your parents if their insurance will cover your medical needs now. If not, your mom or dad can help you find somewhere that will. Please tell them soon, you really will feel much better when you do. Good luck!

  6. Whatever you do, don't drop out of school.  Abortion is very hard and there are thousands of people like myself who are ready to adopt!  There are programs at your school designed to help you stay in school during your maternity time.  If you decide to keep the baby, I'd much rather see you TEMPORARILY get on welfare to help with expenses while you go to school, rather than quit school and work whatever job, and just barely survive on minimum wage.  There are ways to have the baby, get the medical expenses paid and so forth.  By placing the baby with someone you can trust, you can arrange to see the baby.  

    As far as telling your parents, you're just going to have to come out and tell them.  If you and your mom are close, it might be easier to tell your mom, and then your dad.  No one can make you do anything about it legally.  My prayers are with you!

  7. you should tell your parents and get ready to be a mother. No do not drop out of school. There are plenty of programs around these days that you can take your baby to a school with you just for young girls that have babies at a young age.. after you have the baby get on Birthcontrol and learn to wrap it up.. before you have s*x.

  8. Please do not drop out of school, and please dont get an abortion. get on your knees and pray and ask God to lead you in the way he wants you to go and just talk to him and he will not let you down.

  9. tell your parents. eventhough they say they will not help, they will and don't have an abortion. you should go to a school for only pregnant girls or teen mothers. in my city they have 3 of those schools but i dont know about where you sister got pregnant at 13 and she is raising a gorgeous 1 year old little girl with the father of her child and she goes to one of those schools and she passed with honor classes.

  10. youre screwed.

  11. Do you have an aunt, cousin or best friends mom you are close to?  If so talk to them first and see if they can help you sort things out and see your parents with you.  

    You do have some options besides abortion.  Adoption is one.

  12. Do NOT drop out of school whatever you do. Hopefully you do not have a retarded school district that makes you go to a trashy alternative school when you start showing. If it is an okay place to get your credits it might be okay though -- you might only have to go 1/2 days which will help because you need rest in later pregnancy.

    For you because it will be a long time before you are out of high school or have the general knowledge to pass the GED I would recommend open adoption. There are agencies where you get to know the adoptive parents and they help you with medical bills; clothes; school expenses; and good food etc. so you take great care of yourself and the baby. Make sure they respect you and understand you are the First Mom -- not simply a vessel carrying their baby.

    The baby will legally be theirs afterward but they should still respect you and keep in touch with you.

    Then you can go on with school and living your life. It will be tough and painful but is probably best for you and your baby and you will know you made a loving decision.

  13. wow

    im about to turn 14


    i want to help you.

    do not get an abortion thats murder, and no baby deserves it!

    dropping out of school will completely ruin your future.

    you should sit down and have a mature conversation with your parents about it. dont worry about trying to be strong. if you have to cry then cry. im here for you though. if you need to talk about it then my email is email me. but i need to know some things. is your boyfriend still with you and does he know. if so (then if and only if you truly love him and feel like he is the one stay with him and raise this baby.) please email me because i would love to try and help you.

  14. Whoa, slow down!  Getting an abortion and dropping out of school are definitely NOT your only options here.  Call 1-800-395-HELP and discuss healthier choices with a trained counselor.  It's free and confidential, and they won't judge you.

    As far as telling your mom and dad goes, the counselor can give you better advice than I can, but I'd say, first wait until they're in a good mood and you have their full attention.  Then tell them straight up.  Let them know that you realize how serious this is, and that you're prepared to take responsibility, but that you'd really appreciate their support.  They'll probably be shocked and angry at first, but most parents come around.

    <3 Kelsey

  15. dont get an abortion and dont drop out of school!!! first you need to talk to God. ask him for help..hes always there for mea and i know he will always be there for you :)

  16. Your choice is not between dropping out or getting an abortion. You can get an abortion, you can do an open adoption, you can do a closed adoption, your parents might raise the baby. You can raise the baby and stay in school, or you can raise the baby and drop out. And your boyfriend and his family can play a role in all this too.  

    Ask yourself if you're really ready to have a child. They need incredible amounts of love and care and tenderness, and they'll cry all night. Don't drop out. For your child's sake, stay in school. Picture yourself a year from now sleep deprived and stressed to the max and studying for a huge test with a hollering baby in your arms when you just want to curl up and go to sleep, but you can't because your child needs you and you need to study. You'll have the stress of school and a baby, but you'll have the awesome love that goes with having a baby.  It'll be difficult. Other girls your age are mothers, and they can handle it, but is it something you really want to do?

    If you decide to keep the baby, stay in school. School is more important now then it was before, because it'll help secure your future and your child's future.

    Abortion is an option, and don't listen to the people who insist that a clump of cells is a living baby. It is something that has the potential to become a living baby. However, it is not currently a living baby. If you are pro-choice, consider abortion as an option. If you are pro-life, however, you might feel guilty about getting an abortion. Such extreme guilt could hurt you. You need to make that choice.

    I don't know much about adoption, but it is a way to finish the pregnancy but not raise the baby. If you're against abortion but don't want to be a mother, adoption might work for you. Ask some questions in the adoption section about adoption to learn more.

  17. sometimes an abortion would seem to be the only way out of things like that. i strongly discourage you to abort it because it was not that child's fault that it's being born. you have to take responsibility for your action and do the morally right. if you do not want that child then you may want to give it up for adoption. there are many families out there that are infertile and would want a child to brighten up their lives. i say that you do tell your parents even though it will be very painful(emotional) for both parties. if you wanted to enjoy the benefits of a full relationship then you have to had been mature unough to expect a pregnancy. none of us want an unexpected pregnancy but we have to be mature enough to handle one if it happens. sorry to be straight foward but thats the truth. and people who abort are killing, that child is already a living human(may look like a jelly bean at this point but its human)

  18. You should speak to the father of the baby and speak to your parents.

    do not drop out of school education is important. Your school should respect your decision to keep the pregnancy.

    Your parents may not be happy alot of it is because your their child and they don't expect you to be having s*x at 15 and as i said your their child going to be raising a child.

    You could also put the child up for adoption for a family who can not have children.

    All the best,

  19. dont drop out of school.  if you are planning on having the baby, you'll need a good education, so you can get a good job to support it.  of course, being 15 and having a baby is a big responsibility.  you should find a family for adoption.  its going to be hard to tell your parents.  make them watch juno first.

  20. go let your parents know whats what and let them decide if you should have an abortion or keep it. i would think its best if you stay in school. you need your education, but you don't need a baby. your education help you get somewhere, but a baby don't. get your education now, have a baby later. but its you and your parents choice.

  21. Just tell your parents that your pregnant and need them more than ever now and need as much support and help as possible with the pregnancy and to keep you and the baby healthy and safe. Don't get an abortion that is the worst thing you could do and you would regret it for the rest of your life. Also don't drop out of school keep on going until you start showing and once you have the baby go back to your school or mabey a school that is for teens who have a baby most places have them you should look into that. GOOD LUCK hun and I hope everything works out for you!

  22. Tell you mom first It might be easier talking to her..

    after you talk to her it will be easier to talk to your dad..

    don't drop out of school we have too many drop outs these day. try home schooling if you parents are willing.. Does the boy know, if not you should tell him so that he can tell his parents.. I hope it all works out for you..

    Good luck!

  23. Abortion is bad. Have the baby and either raise it or give it up for adoption. Don't drop out of school. That will ruin your entire life. Just talk over the options with your parents. They may be angry but it is something that they need to know. Good luck.

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