
I just turned 18, 10 days ago, and I'm living in UK, but...

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my parents won't let me do my driving lesson or watch adult programmes or late night TV just because I'm not in Uni or I'm still living under them or I'm still at school(they didn't even tell me to get a job). The expect me to be living like adult(especially when it comes to my studies and doing house chores), but I'm not enjoying the way that adults should, I know some of my mates back in my GCSE period who were 16 or something like that and they were doing their driving lessons while they where at school. What do you think about that




  1. get a job and get a flat then, you dont wanna be livin with them if they wont let you do nothin.

  2. Are you sure your parents can afford driving lessons for you? It will cost them thousand for your lessons. Staying up late to watched late night show is not healthy. Beside late shows are mostly not appropriate for teenagers. Sad but it's for your own good. Stay innocent and lovely.  Why are you not in Uni?

    If you are not really interested to go further education or your parents can't afford then I guess you have to start talking seriously to your parents about finding a job. Save and try to continue your studies. Education is your only weapon for good life in this world now adays.

    Don't be in a hurry to experience adult world. It's hard work and cruel sometimes.

    Let your life grow smoothly nice and problem free. Being innocent means free from so many hard things.


  3. It sounds like your parents are either very over protective or attempting to punish you. Trying sitting them down and explaining how you feel about they way they treat you...x

  4. There is one thing you can do about it: confront your parents, give them a reality check and make them see you're not a tween anymore.

    This will be very difficult to do and expect a lot of tears and screaming as a result of such a confrontation. However you can either just let it lie and stay in these shoes forever, or try to make something better out of your life.

  5. I think you are now 18 and so it is up to you what you do with your life. It is time to show your parents that you are adult enough to do something with your life. So get a job to pay for the driving lessons and take it from there and stop moaning. Its your life now, do something with it.

  6. talk about living a sheltered life. just do something? rebel a little bit or summit your depressin me here!

  7. Well, I'm 21 now and I was in the age of 18 in UK, without my family.

    I won't tell you what you have to understand or interpret, but I'm telling you that you're so lucky to be able to change from an adolescent into an adult, with your family beside.

    When I was 18, I was messed up and depressed 'cause I had a lot of thing to do, but noone in my family was around there! I had to get used to my new life in a new place, went to new school with new friend and new language also. It was really hard to be an adult, I think so. It has been 3 years from that day. Now I'm independent but sometimes I just wish if my parent could be here to shout at me whenever they see me stay up until midnight just to watch TV or chatting.

    You know, it's so angry to not be able to do what you want. But your parents just want the best for you. Watching TV late at night is not healthy, watching adult programmes may be shocked. About driving lesson, maybe they can't afford it, or just simply they're scared of the accidents can happen to you. Family is the only place that you can believe and stick your life there in any situation.

    Well, just try to be an adult by being responsible to yourself. You should ask your parents the reason for the driving lesson. If they can't afford it, tell them to let you find a job. If you don't want to study more, talk to them seriously, there're ways esle to life, not only going to university (eventhough I think you'd better study more to have a better way). Take care of yourself by protect your health, don't watch TV so late :D. Help your parents in chores, you probably make them see how serious you are, how responsible you could be to yourself. Maybe they'll realize that you're now definitely an adult, then let you do what you want :).

    Good luck to you in the way to your owned life!

  8. you should goten your work, thus being able to pay it yourself

    what you should tell parents is that when your done in uni, you migth get a job where they expect you to drive straigth of the bat, so to not have to deal with driving lessons during uni (which is a lot more work in all honesty then high school), you should get your lisence before you start uni

    trust me, you will have more then enough to do in uni, you get asignments who are 1-2 weeks deadlines and can totaly toss around any plans so driving lessons in that type of mess just dont work

    many get offered work these days before being done, and go rigth from school bench to work life, and in most cases you either need the lisence in the work or to get to work...without it you may not be able to take a job

    all in all high school is carefree compared to uni...i been through them, and you should have spent the summer taking intensive courses so that you could have driven up now before school started

    however begining of semester are mostly less stress high school wise, so the sooner the better

    they migth be college educated, but remember school system have changed a Lot over the years, and as have society and expectations, so how things was when they grew up is not realistic these days

    you often have projects cooperating with other as well, studygroups and whatnot...and will have comitment to can be fun, but its a lot of work as well, sure students party, but guess what most of those are very spontaine...its not planed weeks up front, you just go when you have the time and energy, it can be descided on just a couple hours before you go it dont actualy reflect back to not having something to do

    rather the schedule is so messed up its often one of those things who are posible to do to relax and hang out with friends that dont have to be planed up front

    in the end this descision is up to you because your an adult now, they dont owe you anything, if you depend upon their gifts then they get to set the terms, but most people have to work during summers for a couple years to save up to taking the lisence, its your life, your responsibility, and they can hinder you in taking the lisence if you feel you need to (i'd advice it). As for tv...their house, their rules...time to move out get a flat, you can visit them in weekends, will be good for you and them to learn through a transgression period over the next year to become independant

    a lot of people do that last year of high school (live in dorm or flat during weeks and go home in weekends)

  9. I also live in the UK . I turn 18 in a couple of months .

    I will be moving to the USA  soon to escape my mom .

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