
I just turned 18 a month ago, and am wondering whether or not i am done with puberty?

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Alright, so here's the details. I am currently only 5 ft 10 in, yet my family has a history of 6 ft , and they have a huge history, even on both of my parents sides of the families, of having really, really hairy men. I have little to know body hair besides legs, pubic, underarms, and arms. I have 5 back hairs, and like 12-20 chest hairs. Is this a sign that i am still in puberty, or can be considered as my body isn't finished growing?!? I really don't know and was just wondering what other people though about this.




  1. if i remember right, you will continue to grow through your twenties. If your a female, you do stop growing a little sooner, but remember every body is different. Just because your family is really hairy, doesn't mean that you will be really hairy too. Maybe you lucked out and got the recessive "not hairy" gene lol!

    If this is a big concern, talk to your doctor about it. they do know something about the human body, lol. they can prolly tell through simple tests as to whether your done growing (i'm thinking x-rays to see if the growth plates have fused or not).

    Personally i wouldn't be worried about it as long as your happy and healthy. your body knows what it's doing as far as this is concerned.

  2. it sounds like you're done or close to being done  

  3. you are still growing....i remember when i was your age, i was wondering why my body hair wouldn't grow much or taller or anything... im now 22.. and my armpit has VERY VERY little hair, everybody thought I shave my armpit but i dont. My chest has like 3 4 dark hair, but my leg's pretty hairy and down near my p***s area...pretty hairy too.... the men in my family, HAIRYYYYYY allllll over... im still growing... it can take up to 25, even 30 years old before totally finish growing... you got a longggg way to go, dont worry about it, and just keep living your life! :)  

  4. Usually you keep growing until you're 23.  You should get some more body hair later on also.

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