
I just turned 18- what should I do?

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I thought things would be better when I turned 18 but they're just worse! I have NO idea what to do with my life and I don't know where to begin! I have absolutely no money for college, I applied for federal aid but fafsa told me all I could get are loans, but that I need a cosigner since my parents have bad credit. The problem? No one in my family will cosign for me. I've moved so many times that I don't have any friends anymore and I can't live with my parents b/c they are very poor and fight all the time so I'm staying with my grandma. I'd like to live on my own but that's practically impossible. I really want to be an actress and move out west but everyone tells me that's a pipedream. Plus I live in Ohio and it's really hard to find anything acting related (I can't even find classes or community theatre). I'm trying to find a decent job so I can save some money but that hasn't been easy either. I am so lost . . .




  1. Your future doesn't just happen over nite when you turn 18 - you've got to set goals, plan, prepare, save money and be patient.  It'll happen if you want it, dream it, focus on it and do all you can to achieve it.

  2. I am going threw the same thing try babysitting or google babysitting

  3. I wish i had the perfect answer, but i turned 18 last week, i spent it in an emergency room, waiting to get my gal bladder removed. And that would represent the kind of luck i have. I live in Long Beach, California so its easy for me to find clubs to perform at and schools out here have pretty good drama programs. But im in the same boat with the whole being broke, my family has money so i cant get any from anywhere else except loans, the problem is my parents dont want to co-sign, and that the money my family has, its theirs and they're not givin me ****, so im in your shoes.

    point is, i dont have any good advice, but at least you know that your not the onlyone going through it.  

  4. When i was 14 my parents divorced so my mom moved out with another men then my dad moved back with his family so it was only me and my brother in the house, then not long after that my brother moved out too and it was only me left, so i dropped out of my senior year of high school to work in order to keep myself from starving everyday. after that ive been working for about 8 years now and everytime  that i looked back into my past one thing that i regret is that i wasn't persistence on pursuing a higher educations because there is so many things that is available out there for me if i find it like the local library to read about the things that i wanna do, the government's funds/bonds to help pay for my educations, online classes that i can take, different jobs that are more flexible to fit my classes schedule and to me it almost seems like i have wasted 8 years of my life standing in one spot where all my other friends has already become college graduate.  

    my point in telling you my past is that no matter how hard life seems to come at you, the best thing to do is not only be able to take it but also think smart and find the best way to take it where u utilize all the source around you to get where u want to be in life and the best way to do that is to brain storm, ask more mature people for their opinions like social workers are very very resourceful on helping more unfortunate kids/family plus they are ALWAYS MORE than happy to help you.  never give up and never think for one second that there isn't a way to do what u want in life. because there is always a way you just have to have the heart to find it.

    start on a piece of paper and write down ur 10 years goal and just leave it at that for later but then make a 5 years goal that u want to achieve and then start making the to-do list on the stuff you know u have to get done in order to achieve ur 5 years goal, and then make a time line or time table on getting those things done so you can kindda give urself a time limit and stay on track of ur progress to ur 5 years goal.  distractions is usually young teenager's biggest enemy and i find that this piece of paper of ur 5 year goal is the best tool to keep you focus on ur goal and that every effort u make everyday gets u closer and closer to ur goal so no days will be wasted!

    I am already excited about your future now it is up to you to see if you will follow ur dreams =)

    "GO confidently to the direction of your DREAMS, LIVE the life you have always IMAGINED"  

    always follow this quote and this will get you really far.

    My best of luck to you with your future!  

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