
I just uploaded a website on the net,?

by  |  earlier

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yesterday i uploaded a website and the page that i want it to be as home page i renamed it as INDEX but when i check the website it is not showing the mail page and it's giving addresses i have to click on a link called index to open the main page how can i finx this...i named the PAGE address as HOME in the page properties...please help




  1. 1) make sure your index page is in the root folder

    2) make sure your using a host, instead of a storage site

    3) I had a problem with one of my pages not updating, if you have a domain or a sub-domain (such as CO.NR, or anything from shorturl, then make sure that those sites are taking you to the proper page.

    4) make sure all of your links are correct (meaning if your link is a HTML, then use HTML not HML, ect.

  2. You could rename it index.html or index.htm . It could also be the place you're uploading it to.

  3. You uploaded a website?

  4. rename it "index.html" no capitalization, with the extension.

  5. what site did you use that allowed you to upload your pages?

    change the name to index.html or index.htm

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