
I just vacuumed up my dog's...?... HELP!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know what the brownish substance was... but I vaccumed it up with the Kirby attachment.

I know that was a mistake now... but I don't know what to do!!!

I'm goin to have to vacuum the whole house without the attachment now... but I'm scared to change the vacuum back to non-attachment mode!

What if it ferments in the bag... what if its all over the inside of the attachment thing?!!


I feel tramatized now...




  1. Ummmm,,,,

    Just calm down and think about how a vacum works, and anyplace that **it could have gone,,,, well it's there.

    Bag, will need to be replaced.  Easy enough.

    If you have a power head, then it's a very good bet the brushes are going to be kind of caked up,,, so,,,cold water and a rag and just wipe them off.

    The parts inside are probably spinning so fast, that nothing stuck to them.  

  2. take a deep breath.

    calm down.

    Then begin to clean the vacuum cleaner.  Put on a pair of rubber gloves.  Take the bag out carefully and put it into a plastic bag and dispose of it.  Check the opening where the bag attached to the vacuum and clean with a damp cloth or paper towel.  If the attachment is plastic, take it outside to clean it with the garden hose.  Or, if you live in an apartment, clean it in the shower.  If there more waste product in the vacuum (take a whiff), try gently using a long bottle brush to pull out the rest of the gunk.

  3. If i was in this situation id probley just go borrow my neighbors vacuum. then id either try to clean the entire vacuum or go buy a new one.

  4. It prolly isn't all over the inside.  The dirt there should cover it.

    I would vacuum up a bunch of dust and dust bunnies, which will surround and encapsulate the poo.  You could even spray a little shot of room deodorizer up the tube while it's running.  It won't hurt the Kirby.  Then empty the bag into a big plastic bag and throw it out.

    Or pay your kid brother to do it.  

  5. Did it get sucked up all the way into the bag or is it stuck in the attatchment?  Just change the bag if it got to that point but if its in the attatchment it will harden someday and wont smell.

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