
I just want opinions, but for those who are like me and love boxing more than MMA, what are your reasons?

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I just want opinions, but for those who are like me and love boxing more than MMA, what are your reasons?




  1. I like boxing better because in MMA lacks standards. when they fight it just looks hella sloppy

  2. I love MMA because whats more  exciting than Two guys without shoes in swimming trunks with a lot of Tattoos grinding each on the ground. Boxing with all its knockouts and slugging cant dare compete with two guys Humping each other

  3. User barkey2 is h**l right!My answer is the same:

    Modern Boxing sucks and is for sissies!Check out the old English bare knuckle boxing,which has kicks,throws,wrestling techniques,and dirty tricks such as eye gouging!Modern boxing sucks!Modern boxing is nothing but a watered down,less effective,and sissified version of old English bare knuckle boxing! Modern boxing is for sissies wo can`t handle English bare knuckle boxing! is h**l right.My answer is the same:

  4. It's simple with me, I grew up watching boxing with my parents and took part in it, before going into MMA. Also, I enjoy striking for more than I do watching a lot of grappling and holding.

  5. I gave MMA a go, and it got boring fast.  Nothing will ever replace the aura of a Boxing superfight where the sports world stands still.

    An MMA fight is a lot like the average MMA fan's prom night.  A lot of fuss, then some half naked writhing around, some mounting, and then it's over after only 30 seconds of action.  The next day no-one can remember what all the fuss was about.

    Boxing has strategy and style, conditioning and experience, it's much more of an all around athletic contest in comparison to MMA, which is mostly one guy trying to land a wild swing while the other guy tries to writhe around for a proper mounting position.

  6. MMA is more exciting because it always will have a level of guareenteed action, but yo won't really see the drama and the generalship that you see in boxing. there will never be a muhammed ali of MMA or a mike tyson. MMA is really a united states and certain countries sport. boxing is universal and eternal.

  7. Questions like this show the true ignorance in the world. Is "rolling around on the ground" so much worse than "running away and dancing" like boxers?

    Just because you don't know anything about what's going on doesn't mean there's nothing going on.

  8. I love boxing first, I'll watch MMA and I respect their game, but I don't follow it.

    What really needs to happen to get the mainstream focus back on the boxing world is another heavyweight that can generate excitement like Tyson did.  Here's a little example, open two windows and play a Shannon Briggs (prime) fight in one window and Mike Tyson (prime) fight in another.  The skill set of the Heavies has diminished greatly.  

    Most MMA fans would appreciate a lot of the lower weightclass fights if they knew about them.  Particulary the Vazquez v. Marquez trilogy.   Anything with Jorge Arce.

  9. Good question! I love boxing and I think it's due to the fact I grew up watching it & eventually participating in it. There was no MMA when I was a kid. Although if I grew up today, I think I would have been into both.

  10. im a mma fan first

  11. watching it is slow and boring. on the other hand there are some fights which can be exciting. but also watching boxing is something I gain from most b/c I don't need to learn strategy for mma since I don't practice it.

  12. The reason why i prefer to watch Boxing is that, i love to see a stand up game.

  13. For me, its all of the holding on the ground that goes on.  They act like they are the most badass guys in the world, and then when they get in the ring (or "octagon") they don't even FIGHT!  They go to the ground and hold each other to the point where it looks like they are making love and they stay in this position until somebody quits.  To me, that is the most boring thing imaginable and I just cannot take it because I've tried to watch.  Boxing is so much better than that because in the sweet science, the fighters actually throw punches and fight, and when they do hold, they properly get broken up because no one wants to see two guys groping each other for like 15 minutes.  Boxing gives me knockouts, and great 12 round performances, while in MMA, if you don't get a knockout, you're screwed unless you like to watch all of that holding (in that case, I'd rather watch WWE).  Boxing IS, WAS, and ALWAYS WILL BE better, more violent, and more entertaining than any of that UFC c**p.  When the best fight the best like they are currently, I truly do believe that there is no other sport in the world that can compare to boxing.

  14. I have friends who are wrestlers, Judokas, etc., and I have respect for all martial artists. So don't take my opinion the wrong way, as it is just an opinion. People can enjoy what they want.

    Me, I think more is not always better. Modern dance has tried it, but the verdict is in: ballet does not combine well with tap dancing, hip hop and a chain saw. We end up with the worst of all worlds. Same with MMA:  too many tools, so the competitions degenerate into messy brawls.

    MMA has also lacks sportsmanship. There is some dignity to a stand-up boxing contest, or an Olympic wrestling event. There is none in a dirty colosium-style street scrap.

    MMA lacks entertainment value. Watching two guys writhe around on the ground moaning and clutching and hurting is just wrong. Boxing has fast, clean action!

    Boxers are better conditioned and trained. A 10 round event requires much more than a cheap short bout.

    Boxing also has tradition behind it. So does Olympic wrestling or Judo for that matter. MMA is a step back to the gladiators, and we had already done away with that.

    The greats.

    I can remember a Marciano, Tyson or Lewis. How am I going to celebrate some tattooed, bare-foot, sweaty unknown who looks like a skinny bar-keep or ex-football wannabe? The late night infomercial juice man is more memorable (and believable).

    So, what are you going to choose?

    "CLUTCH,  grope, chokey, huggy, pokey, slap, squeeze,

    ...........tap, tap, tap....


    "Jab, combination, thud, pu-pu-pup-POW, TKO!!!"

    For me, Boxing, the real deal!

    But hey, its your entertainment choice.

  15. Tried watching MMA, but after hearing the announcer say  "He has him in the rear naked"  a couple of times I started feeling a little odd watching it.  I respect the athletes involved, but too many times fans are denied a quick conclusive ending because the fighters get wrapped up trying to do the exact same moves back and forth until you don`t really care who`s victorious as long as it ends. For all it`s efforts MMA still seems to be more flash then substance.

  16. Boxing is my favourite sport, whether im doing it or watching it, i don't like mma or (rolling on the ground), boxing is about technique, skills, speed, heart and good legs, i don't see any technique in mma, all i see is once they hold each other they go to the ground rolling ! in boxing u have to stand on your feet to complete the fight and that is a challenge, boxing needs more skills than it looks.. to me thats why i love boxing

  17. Modern Boxing sucks and is for sissies!Check out the old English bare knuckle boxing,which has kicks,throws,wrestling techniques,and dirty tricks such as eye gouging!Modern boxing sucks!Modern boxing is nothing but a watered down,less effective,and sissified version of old English bare knuckle boxing! Modern boxing is for sissies wo can`t handle English bare knuckle boxing!

  18. Floyd Mayweather, Jr. has taken some time off from boxing, reportedly because he has some minor back and hand injuries and needs to take it easy for awhile.  So he decided to play it safe (and profitable) and “join” MMA and/or WWF wrestling for awhile.  For those who may think he’s faking it, the fact remains that he’s not going to box again until the DLH fight and he’s not going to put that fight at risk by getting injured in MMA or WWF arenas.  Maybe his “deal” promises him that he won’t lose and he won’t get hurt….

    Did Floyd really break The Big Show’s nose or did TBS (or BS for short) have a blood capsule in there?

    MMA has been banned in New York for several years now.  When then-governor Pataki signed the ban, he said something like “We’re not going to license a ‘sport’ that requires its participants to risk severe injury or death….”  The MMA folks are now petitioning the State to overturn the ban.  What’s the basis for overturning the ban?  The MMA folks have assured the State that the “sport” is safe and the possibility of a severe injury or death is an extremely remote possibility.

    If MMA was for real, severe injuries and deaths would be the rule and not the exception.  Boxing takes all appropriate precautions to protect fighters, but it could never make a “promise” like that.

    ACE and Big Normen:  Please knock off the comments about MMA being a form of foreplay rather than fighting.  If Mike Tyson hears stuff like that, he’ll be back in no time!  How are you going to feel if he bites off his opponents “head”?

  19. Well I would have carpel tunnel syndrom if I typed all my reasons, lol. But in short I love boxing because its in my blood. I come from a long line of fighters in my family in military and boxing. I took to boxing at a young age and to this day cant watch enough on t.v. or in person. When I boxed it was like a drug, its the only way I can descibe it. Once its in your blood u cant get enough of it!

    MMA I used to follow to an extent, mostly at the time of Ken Shamrock b4 he went to W.W.F. Most MMA fans couldn't tell u who he is unless they went on youtube.  Now its a circus with W.W.E. wrestlers and hasbeen boxers fighting.  Dana White as I have stated b4 is a poor mans Don King who puts on a p.p.v. everytime boxing has one.

    Yeah MMA is gonna be on C.B.S. but at 2 a.m. It doesn't excite me to watch 2 guys in tights  clutch and grab and feel up their sweatbags until one submits. Sounds more like porno than fighting.

    A good brawl like some we have seen so far this year with non stop punching is real fighting to me. MMA has their fans and entertains 12 year olds but boxing has its legacy which will live forever.

    Additional: Thumbs up Big Normen!

    I laughed so hard my headache is back from laughing at Blogbaba's questions last night.

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