
I just want some men's advice on this one

by  |  earlier

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and in advance, thank you for answering because I know it's probably all the same bull relationship you're used to reading.

Basically, I want to know what I should do in this situation. I met this boy about two months ago, we talked online and our personalities were so much alike. We talked NON STOP, and I mean...when he was a work, texted, called, everything. I told him how I felt about him, he said he didn't want a serious relationship right now with anyone, and suggested a fu-buddy. I said okay, and we had s*x about a month ago. The condom broke, but he took care of me...he actually cared. Soon after all this, he starts distancing himself from me...stops talking to me. His best friend, deletes me from his myspace/facebook and calls me annoying. A few days after, he did too. Blocked me on AIM and everything. I have a way to email him/talk to him...I want to ask him what I did because I don't know...and I would really like to repair my friendship with him. I miss him a lot.

I haven't made any move to talk to him since he did this, two weeks ago. Is it a good idea to take the initiative one last time and say f-it when he doesn't reply...or wait for him to come back to me?

again, thank you so much.

I'm also 17, he's 20.




  1. the difference between men and women is that you were invested in the friendship; he was not...he was looking for s*x. men seem to have all the time in the world to pursue a female they are attracted to, and then become suddenly very busy when the chase is over.

    do NOT pursue him! walk away and learn a very valuable lesson about yourself and about life.

    IF you are able to separate the emotion fromn the s*x, then casual s*x is something you can engage in. BUT if you get emotionally involved, even on a friendship level, then steer clear.

    in most cases, the friendship will end after the s*x, and you will be hurt because you connected with the other person emotionally. IF he cared at all about YOU and the woman YOU would have been treated with more respect.

  2. You need to move this question. This catagorie is "Mens Health" Try moving this question to:




  3. listen to me wham bam thank u mam

  4. When he said he wanted you as a F-buddy....that should have given you a clue.

  5. He never was a friend. He jus put in the time and said what he needed to say to get what he wanted. He got it and now he has moved on.

  6. Unfortunately this type of behavior is not unusual.  Men are more sexually aggressive and sometimes they just want to see how many conquests they can rack up.  Be very careful with your emotions, make sure the other person is not using you to get his own "jollies".  It would be better for you to forget this guy, and move on. Someone else will appear in your life, but use your past experience to help guide you.  This is one of those bitter experiences that you will learn to deal with.  Use it as a learning experience.  Don't wear your heart on your sleeve.  

  7. you will just have to put this down to experience. let it be a lesson in future not to go jumping into bed with just anyone.

    he obviously isn't interested in maintaining the friendship so you will just have to move on.


  8. You probably wanted a relationship and he didn't.

    Don't take him back if he reappears again it will just cause more heart ache.

  9. learn a lession from it

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