
I just want to know if ther is a real treatment for vitiligo?

by  |  earlier

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i have vitiligo since i was 5 years old . i have it on my hands and legs




  1. Noted all your comments in this thread.

    Interestingly, the author in this blog said ... "Vitiligo Need NOT Be A Life-Sentence" at least according to his experience."

    He who learns from the mistakes and success of others is wise.

    You may want to check out his story ...

    My Vitiligo Cure Story ...

    Discover How I Conquered Vitiligo In Just Nine (9) Months And How *YOU* Can Too ... IF You Follow This PROVEN Simple Plan

  2. ya you can use homeopathy

  3. Topical treatments are helpful in most people. These are applied directly to the skin.

    it is fast,has no side effect and economical.

    Hereunder there are some facts about vitiligo.

    Different people use the term Cure in different context, as regards Cure in vitiligo. Some use this term only for re-pigmentation of the existing spots, while others are concerned with complete eradication of illness from the body.

    If you mean second i.e. complete annihilation of the vitiligo from your system, that is a tricky matter.

    Vitiligo results from a derangement of your normal defense mechanisms against infection. The body starts producing antibodies against pigment producing cells of its own skin. No exact causes and remedies are known. This is a generalized abnormality of your immune system, and currently there are no acceptable permanent ways to overcome this process.

    The damage to pigment producing cells manifests as patches of skin, which have reduced, or no pigment. This is what bothers you, us and every one else.

    One cannot cure vitiligo or halt it, but you can manage the local manifestations (white patches) using oral or topical treatments.

    If you disease is limited and not widespread, you can go for a topical treatment.

  4. Try good ayuervedic practitioner and or Siri Ram Dev ji

  5. a chiropractor may help u through acupressure/acupuncture techniques firstly to develop ur immunity power. all ur  internal organs can function to optimum levels without deficiency and there up on  ur problem may be solved. first stop worrying.

  6. So do I. I used to have it on my neck.

    I haven't found a real cure, but then again, I stopped looking a good 5+ years ago. It used to bother me a LOT, but now I have kinda embraced it.

    A weird connection is that once I found that peace with it, now that I look back, when I started just accepting it, it started going away. I notice that my spots will change or spread more when I'm stressed. I don't know if "science" has documented this connection, but its something that I personally have for my own body anyways.

    Its only on my right hand now. I never had the "mirrored" effect where it is on "both" elbows or "both" knees etc. Only on the right side of my body.

    A Chinese medicine man told me it was the wind stuck under my skin. Heat was going to help it.

    I also put this cream on it from a dermatologist. I've also tried Sulfa.... Sulferic....gosh I can't remember now, it was a long time ago. But nothing worked.

    At one time a dr. suggested skin grafting as a treatment, but that seemed like too much pain to get rid of some spots on my body for my own personal taste.

    Good luck!

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