
I just want your opinions please?

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ive just started my own small business online selling body jewellery. It is on a free site i want to see how it goes then i will be upgrading the site and paying for it which will mean i will be able to sell more items. It is only very small as i want to get rid of the stock i have before i buy some new.

I want your opinions on the site? Do you like the site? Would you buy off this site, are the prices reasonable.

this is the site please check it out.





    email me, and i`ll help you wi advice and might be able to link you up to some other websites wi alot of traffic.

    in all the site is good but you need an angle,

    hope to chat,,

  2. i looked at your site and it looks real good. Even i would buy from there. all you need is traffic and keep adding content. But i would suggest you to bring the price down say 2.50 pound then when you start getting customers put the price up a little thats how marketing goes :) oh and change the background colour to white

  3. I think it looks pretty well designed. I agree that ideally the colours should be lighter but it wouldn't put me off buying from there. It is well laid out and easy to navigate and it uses nice fonts all of which is more important than the colour in my opinion.

    As for the prices - they look fine though I don't really wear body jewellery so I'm no expert!

  4. The site looks dodgy because of the dark colours...a lot of p**n sites use similar colours....also if you dont mind me saying...your question is a bit spammy....

  5. i would buy from there but since its in pounds i don't know what that translates too in american dollars

  6. no i wouldn't the site does not look reputable and the prices are not reasonable


  7. I agree, No offense.. the site doesn't look very professional, it almost looks kind of fake. I think you should put a different name, more colors, not so dark. and the prices are SO much. maybe lower them a couple (2) dollars. Sorry no offense or anything! But it is a great start!

    Hope your business works out great for you!

    Hope i helped too :]

  8. Definitely change the name to make it sound more professional, the name isn't very memorable either.

    Make the web page not so dark, try using a white background or something like that, keep it quite basic.

    I'd also lower the prices by about a pound or two, because people will have to pay for postage as well, and that'll make it too costly.

    Other than that, i'm going to check back on your site and buy one or two of your belly bar packs for my girlfriend ;D

  9. the site looks fine & the prices r fine. i could buy those same things at walmart 4 $15 a pack so they r nothing special. however, 4 somebody who doesn't have access 2 a store that sells that stuff, this site would be fine.  

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