
I just wanted 2 kno if this is normal small or big

by  |  earlier

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im 15 and my d**k is bout 7 inches is this good size?




  1. Hey buddy.... First of all your p***s is NOT small... it's larger than normal for a 15 year old.

    The ‘average’ length of an erect ADULT p***s is about 6" (15.2 cm).

    Most p***s growth happens between the ages of 12 and 16 with a subsequent slower rate of growth until the age of 17 or 18. Some people claim that the p***s can continue to grow until the age of 21 but the research doesn’t seem to support this.

    Approximate lengths for under 18’s are:

    At the beginning of puberty 2.4” (6 cm)

    12 to 13 ....... 3.0" to 4.0” (7.6 cm to 10.2 cm)

    14 to 15 ....... 4.0" to 5.0” (10.2 cm to 12.7 cm)

    16 to 17 ....... 5.0" to 6.0” (12.7 cm to 15.2 cm)

    Enjoy yourself ;)

  2. ok is normal

  3. The guy saying a normal adult is 6 inches is retarded. im 7in and many of my friends are longer than me and we are 14.

  4. lucky lucky!

    good size man

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