I was feeding my fish today, and while watching them I noticed out of the corner of my eye something moving in the filter! I have a canister filter with a clearish blue case and through the case I saw two baby guppies staring at me! I was in shock, I quickly stoped the filter and took it to the bathroom where I clean it, and took out everything inside it to reveal there were actually 12 babies in there! I have no idea how long they have been accumulating in there, since the filter has only been set up for 2 weeks and I was planning on cleaning it in another 2 weeks they were lucky I found them now. Foruneately there were no dead babies, so they either were not there for very long or they got plenty of food in there, but I thought it was pretty funny after I got them all out.
So if you have guppies, and they have babies, and a canister filter...Keep an eye out! I'm going to get some mesh or something to cover the filter end that sucks the water in with so no more get sucked up!