
I just watched film "The Bone Collector" where a guy is tied up and rats eat him ! Yucky! Would rats do this?

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Or is the fim giving them a "Bad Press"?




  1. Don't believe all the junk written on here.... Leolupus is absolutely right!!!

  2. Yet again poor rats get a bad press, and I see some of your other answerers believe every negative stereotype they hear. They probably think that wolves will eat your grandmother and blow down pigs' houses, too. Ignore such prejudiced nonsense if you have any interest in how animals really are rather than how they are portrayed by ignorant morons.

    Rats are indeed omnivorous, and if hungry enough will eat almost anything, including human flesh - but only if they came across a dead body. There is no way on Earth they would eat someone alive. Think how much larger a human is than a rat - it would be a very stupid animal that would attack something that much larger than itself when there is much easier and safer food out there (as I said, rats can eat almost anything. And I mean anything - they've been known to eat plastic, cement and so on). Rats are highly intelligent, and are shy, wary animals - both qualities which have allowed them to survive and thrive in the midst of humanity when we are trying so very hard to wipe them out (rather than getting to the root of the problem and clearing up all the waste food they're feeding on).

    Rats are not dirty or disease-ridden either. They are very clean animals, washing themselves more often even than cats. They do carry some diseases, but all wild animals do - a fluffy little bunny or a cute little badger cub is just as likely to infect you with something as a rat is. They are often blamed for the Black Death, but as anyone who has ever bothered to research it in the slightest will know, the plague was spread by fleas, which lived on humans as much as on rats. And there's no animal that spreads as many diseases or is more likely to infect you with them than humans themselves.

    Rats are beautiful, intelligent, clean, resourceful, adaptable, fascinating, and make wonderful pets. It's high time people stopped demonizing animals and started respecting them for what they are.

  3. Only if the person was already dead.Rats are mostly scavengers which means that they eat dead things.They would never eat a living human.They would just watch the person slowly die of dehydration or malnutrition then they would eat him.They would never eat the person alive.

  4. If they were hungry yeah theyed eat a human.

  5. No, pirhanas get a bad press, rats really would gnaw you to bits if desperate.

  6. If they were hungry and desperate then yes! they would!

  7. absolutely, rats are disgusting little creatures.  my mom is a nurse, and when she was in college one of her professors was discussing some of the times she spent doing volunteer work in other countries.  one of the stories she told was about some little babies in an orphanage crying out at night because the rats would come in and eat chunks out of their legs.  sad, poor little babies.

  8. I've seen the film a few times. The rats would properly return to the site a few times, before making a decision on whether to feed on him.

  9. Is film giving them bad press?!... thats funny! no seriously i think rats are capable of doing this. They feed off dead flesh. If they see a human who cannot move, and has open wounds with the smell of tasty blood tempting them. what would stop them!

  10. It is remotely possible but it is certainly unlikely. Rats are not that aggressive and do not feed in large groups. They are extremely intelligent animals that generally feed in solitary or in small groups.

  11. Yes. That was acctually a torture method used in olden times. They would put peoplein sewwers and the rats would come and eat them. I've also read stories about rats eating sailors on ships. If their hungry enough they will eat human flesh. creepy but true

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