
I just watched lasix eye surgey get done any tips for a do it yourself to try it on my son?

by  |  earlier

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Seem pretty simple i think my son might need glasses someday so i figure i can save some money

I been researching on line so i pretty sure i get it

has anyone tried it on line




  1. What are you?? NUTS???  What the f is wrong with you?? I can't believe you have a child!  You can't even spell lasic, let alone perform a surgery!  I would be shocked if DSS didn't come knocking on your door for such a question.. unless you're trying to get a rise out of this.  Go talk to you son's pediatrician.  Weirdo!

  2. i got an idea,tell your son everything you know about the surgery and make sure he understands everything,then let him do the surgery to you.then if it turns out good do the surgery on him.i mean that's the least a dad could do right.

  3. I suggest doing it. You obviously hate your child a lot... why not kill him?

  4. Eyes are pretty ****ing easy to s***w up. I also highly doubt that you have a laser accurate and precise enough to be able to perform the operation. Optometrists take years and years of college to be able to perform these operations. I don't think you want to go hacking after your son's eyes (who, if I might mention, doesn't even have a problem with them yet!) then by all means, face the criminal negligence and false practice charges.

    On a footnote, lasix is still at it's birth. It's not a particularly good operation yet. It will fix your vision for about 2 years, but after that, it will be worse than it was before, and only continue to degrade. I doubt this will bode well for you child, seeing as one might need his eyes for the rest of his life.


    Wow..what next?

  6. holy h**l.  no.  dont do that. get a doctor.  theres no way yer son wont go blind if you do a s**+tty home job

  7. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!  Sure have been getting a lot of laughs on YA tonight.....the only advice i have for you is to tell your son to run...

  8. If you are not a doctor, please do not do it on your son or anyone. You could really hurt him plus get in trouble!  

  9. It was frightening when my friend had the surgery and one eye is still blurry.  She needs to go back for evaluation to see if they can fix the blurry vision.

    I'd love to be a fly on the wall when you take your kid to the emergency room with his eyes BURNED out.  Maybe the Doctors will call DSS for us.

    Even in the ad for this junk they say not to point the laser light in anyone's eyes.

    YA THINK?????

    Since you're doing Lasik surgery at home why don't you try brain surgery.  One scoop or two?

  10. Some people have no sense of humor!  

    Next...  on the list is a do it yourself appendectomy!

  11. Absolutely not! Don not do this! There's a reason professionals do these things. You could hurt him & make him go blind. I really hope you're not serious. I hope you're just joking to get a rise out of people even though it's not remotely amusing.

    ---By the way I'm answering this seriously even though I'm 99% sure it's a joke because there are some uneducated looney people out there that would do this.

  12. you are nuts your son needs to be taken from you as soon as possible

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