
I just watched the DVD 10,000BC. After viewing, I wondered what you think life was like in 10,000BC?

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Any ideas. What animals. What kind of civilization. What kind of people, what did they do? etc.




  1. First off, that movie was not accurate in any shape or form, so if you're thinking about the science end of Earth in 10,000BC, just forget you ever saw it.  

    Neanderthals have been extinct since approximately 24,000 years ago or shortly before.   Humans were in completely modern anatomical form as of 12,000 years ago (who date back well before that).   The only exception to this is homo floresiensis, who were "hobbit sized" people, though of a different species than homo sapians, thought to have died out approximately 10,000 years ago, though they were only present on the island of Flores.  

    Around 50,000-60,000 years ago modern humans spread from Africa and colonized the globe.  The last of these major migrations is thought to be from Siberia, across a land bridge that existed at the time to Alaska, then through North America, on to South America.  This was thought to be wrapping up about 11,000 years ago.

    Around 12,000-10,000 was also thought to be the start of agriculture, which helped the start of more "modern" civilizations as opposed to hunter-gatherer lifestyles.    Although, I think the oldest known "permanent settlement" is thought to be somewhere around 25,000 years ago.  

    Animals: Not terribly different from today.  Though some animals might have gone extinct since then, most animals that are around today were around in 10,000BC, if in slightly different form.  Most animals that have gone extinct since 10,000BC would be closely related to those living today.

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