
I just winked at my cat and he winked back?

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I just winked at my cat because I love him and I think he is cool and he was sitting on the floor about 2 metres away from me and he looked me right in the eye and purposefully winked back. Why is this?




  1. Cats like people tend to imitate what they see,like we do on the media.I just tried this with my 6 month kitten,and he did it right back.So yeah its pretty cool.

  2. Awww that's cute!

  3. Idont know my cat use to do this all the time.maybe because you and your cat have a strong bond between each other.

  4. That could his way of telling you he loves you.

  5. sweet, you have one rockin cat!! My cat gave my borther a high five!

  6. there is no general reason for this my cat does the same thing

  7. because he loves you!

    animals are funny but they express love to,that is very sweet!

    my dog sits in my large overstuffed chair beside me an d wants me to hold his paw all the time,he is so silly but he loves me and he knows i love him too! good luck!

  8. You have a cool cat my kitten just nudges me on my face. He probably just loves you My other cat does that as well. If that isn't right maybe he has something in his eye and hes trying to get it out lol. What a weird but wonderful cat you have

  9. How cute he must love you lots!

  10. Awwww, that's really sweet, you must have a close bond with your cat!

    Sometimes when I yawn at my cat, he yawns back at me, which always makes me smile. He even makes a funny squeaky noise when he yawns, just like I do - I'm sure he picked it up from me!

    Actually, I'll try winking at my cat tonight, too - hope he winks back at me...


    Hafwen x

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