
I just witnessed an attempted kidnapping! Help please.!.!.!.?

by  |  earlier

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My mom and I were on our way home and decided to go a back way (which was quicker). so there were these twins about 12 or 13 years old walking next to a fence when a car driving by stopped. The driver starred at them for about 2 minutes and looked them over. his hand was on the door-opener thing and he was about to try to get them when he saw us. He immediatly stopped and drove off. I couldn't get a lisence plate #, but I did get a good look at the girls and the car (not the driver, i was too scared he would see me looking at him). Do you think this was an attempted kidnapping? What should I do?




  1. Contact your local police

  2. Call 911 NOW>..........................

  3. nothing you can do ... but if you see the girls tell them never get into a persons  car.. and if they try to put you in the car forcibly take off your shoe and hit them with it. they will let you go then ok gilermo

  4. 911

  5. Yeah, I'd let the police know where abouts and if you know what the car looked like that too. The younger kids will be getting out soon, so you don't want that creep to go after them.

  6. I would at least report it to the police.....maybe they can patrol the area more.  Let the police know what type of car it was. It seems like suspicious behavior.

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