
I just wonder if Obama gets in we will finally hear about the good things that are happening to the people?

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of Irag




  1. Don't count on it.

  2. So how exactly do you know that good things are happening in Iraq?

  3. i am sure that its there job to keep with with iraq.

  4. I'm sure that he'll do his best to make sure good things actually happen in Iraq.

  5. By the power of the liberal press he will preform miracles, I personally can't wait to see him walk on water and heal all the sick people in the world.

  6. Well his first day in office MSNBC will probably finally report that we're winning the war on terror! even though the war was one while bush was in office. Oh and the low unemployment rate thing will also come out on CNN while obama is in office... even thought george bush should be credited with that. BUT best of all we have a safer United States because of the war in the middle east! and that will come out and people will praise obama.... even though he and his left wing loonies did nothing but make the war even harder for president bush.....

  7. Where's Irag?

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