
I juz got amputated as ak.Why not much support for ppl like me?aged 33/male/single?

by  |  earlier

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difficulty in movin around.could not go out of house bcoz no ramp.still unemployed with no source of income even for op appt with hosp. Still got outstanding med bills to settle.need help or redress.




  1. You are eligible for a variety of services.  Contact the local SSI office to be assessed for disability benefits.  Your doctor/hospital social work department should have opened a case for you to assist with transportation, mobility at home and mental health (emotional handling of the amputation) and family/support person education for your convalescence.  You should also be eligible for rehabilitation services.

    You might call the hospital and speak to the patient services department to start the ball rolling.

    Hope this helps.

  2. I am sorry for your problem. Have you tried your local churches or other organizations that help people? Since you didn't say the reason why you had an amputation, if it was military the US Government should be taking care of you.  If they don't contact Veteran's Affairs.

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