
I juz need sum help!! sumone??

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okaii so ive been wiv my bf for ova 2 yrs now nd hes been acting wired l8ly so i asked him wat was up i ended up geting out of him that he doesnt feel the same neymore hes realli confused bout it all i dunno nd he says he doesnt wanna brake up yet.. were giving this week end ago 2 c wat happends but im so confused i juz love him so much i dun wanna loose him plz advice sum1 plz!!




  1. Uh..I think you placed this question in the wrong category..and I didn't understand most of it.

  2. You're spelling sucks. I have no idea what you're saying, sorry.:/


  4. k 1st ov al u nede 2 post undr tha rite sectun and lern how 2 spel rite cuz i cant undrstand haf o wat u sayin

  5. This is Astronomy and Space, so expect some weird, even hostile answers.

    We'll approach this as an engineering problem.  What are the requirements?  Clearly, you want to attract and keep your boyfriend.  There are three things you'll likely want to do.

    First, you want to be good looking.  An attractive appearance is a proxy for health.  You want him to think that you are healthy.  Cut to the chase - ask him to start exercising with you.  It could be walking, biking, running, swimming, whatever.  And it would get you both off your butts doing nothing. Just making out isn't going to firm up your relationship.

    Second, you want to appear smart.  To do that, you have to pass some good ideas by him.  This is hard, so one way to do that is to ask lots of people for advice.  Yahoo! Answers isn't bad for this. You'll have to decide what is good, however.  And, as has been mentioned, you might want to invest some time in spelling and grammar.  You may have great spelling and grammar and are just doing this for style.  How would i know?

    Third, you want to appear happy.  It can be such a drag to be with someone who is cranky or demanding.  Be happy and and avoid being a nag.  Learn some jokes.  More than half of all jokes fail miserably, so you need a bunch of them.  Learn what kinds of jokes he likes.  But if you become a nag, your relationship is destined to the death spiral.  He'll withdraw, you'll want more, and nag more.

    Best of luck, and clear skies.

  6. Is it really that much more difficult to type 'and' instead of 'nd'?

  7. That's the worst case of text speak I've seen on YA for ages. You should be ashamed of your spelling and grammar, it's utterly appalling. And you even put your question in a totally random and unrelated category, which makes me think that you aren't the brightest star in the galaxy.

    I'm not surprised your boyfriend doesn't like you. Assuming, of course, that he has an IQ above 90.

  8. Why are you typing randomly punched letters in the Astronomy Category?   Did we fall asleep in spelling class again, honey?

  9. Let him go and date an English teacher.

    As I am not a native English speaker, I have a very hard time decoding the mess you wrote intentionally (dyslexia does not produce chat speech).  

  10. Just wait for more days,if he still behave like same then ask him directly what is the problem with him and y he is behaving like this.if u really love him and dnt want to miss him,then better ask him directly y this sudden changes.

  11. I think your in the wrong category hon, plus your spelling is rather shaky, leave him!

  12. Dump the prat , There are plenty more fish in the seas, or in this case... plenty more planets in the galaxy.  

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