
I keep a 3 yr old and need to find some activities to help him learn.?

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His mom is my best friend and she can't afford daycare and I want to help her out we color, and play matching games but I need to know more activities to do right now he wants to watch cartoons all day but I think he needs to learn he will go to preschool next year and he isn't ready he can't count or say his abcs and he doesn't know his colors I really don't have the money to spend alot on his activities I just need ideas. Any help would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Get alphabet and number cards.

    Go to walmart,kmart,or someplace like that and in the book dept. the should have some books to help you teach him things for his age.

  2. Make signs and help him hang them on the corrent item.

    sofa on the sofa

    chair on the chair etc.

    Do this once or twice a day.

    Play what color is it.

      Get 4 different color pillows and tell him to throw you the red one.

    Ask him which one he wants you to throw him. or make bean bags in different colors.

    Do this every day.

    Each of you grab a handfull of pennies, candies, cheerios, whatever.

    Count them, see who has the most. The most wins.

    Sing the abc song. Sing it many times a day  along with row row row your boat and

    other kids songs.

    See how many blocks, cookies, books, whatever you can stack. Count them and keep track of how many each of you do.

    Take turns making up short stories.

    Count how many times he can jump up and down in 20 seconds. Then you take a turn.

    As long as he doesn`t know he is learning, but is having fun, he will learn.

  3. Try and also get some books from the library that give you craft ideas and learning ideas.  Also, check out they have a magazine and a website.  Your library may carry it.  Kids this age are sponges.  Learn with her and teach her baby sign language, simple spanish (again the library).  Let her experiment with textures such as finger paint, chalk, crayons, etc.  Have her learn to do a forward somersault, log roll, walk on a straight line, play hopscotch, hide and seek.  When you read to her, ask her to find something on the page that isn't related to the story like a bird or find something red.  Good luck.  If I can help more feel free to email me at

  4. Hi,

    I have created my own syllabus for my 2 yr old.. its not of only aphabets but rhymes.. shapes... some activity like hop, jump. I stay in India and I am hindu.. so Instead of bible text, I read Mahabharat, Ramayan and Ved. I am pasting one table here. It will be in messy.. but still u can have an idea. and u can make changes in that accoridng to ur conveneience.

    Since my daughter is a small.. I gave 2 weeks time for each table activity.. and there is no force... its all while playing... below activites are for 10 days... I have developed this syllabus after visiting number of online syyllabus for nursery kids...  i haven't added colors in this... u can add it if u want All the best!


    1) EnglishConversation :What is your name?

    2) Picture Recognition:

    Fruits:Apple Show the picture of Apple

    Animals:Alligator Show the picture of Alligator

    Vehicle:Airplane Show the picture of airplane

    3) Rhyme : Sing rhymes

    a. A sailor went to sea, sea, sea. To see what he could see, see, see. But all that he could see, see, see. Was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea.

    b. ABCDEFG

    4) Drawing: Round (Apple, Alligator, Airplane)

    5) Story & Drawing: Thirsty Crow

    6) Alphabet: A Flash a card, Draw on slate, take printout for A

    7) Number: 1 Flash card for number 1. Using abacus

    8) Exercise: Hop, Stringing Beads

    9) Directions: Up and down

    10)Shapes: Round

    11)Touching sense: Cold

    12) Parts of the body: Head











    Additional Words beginning with The Letter A

    Alligator, anchor, antlers, ant, apple, astronaut, ax, airplane

  5. There are some great web sites that  you can get some ideas, coloring pages etc.:

    enchanted learning

    preschool printables

    perpetual preschool


    abc teach

    These should get you started.  

    Also set up a schedule for the child....possibly including tv time as a quiet activity, and stick to it.

    Should include learning time, play time, active time and some quiet time

    ...lots of songs...before I read any book to my class I ask:

    Who writes the book?

    and sing to the tune of farmer in the dell

    The author writes the book

    The author writes the book

    Hi ho the derry-O

    The author writes the book

    and the same with who draws the pictures.

    My class now does the same thing whenever they pick up a book.  So I know they know that answer and may remember that silly song for a long time....but they also know who writes the book.

    I work with three year olds as a preschool teacher....and they are a lot smarter than most people give them credit for.

  6. The best site to go to is starfall.  You will find after only a couple times, from what others I have told about this site have told me, he will not want to watch cartoons but play here and he learns at the same time.  Too bad our public schools aren't this good!!

  7. draw a outline of a picture put the numbers 1 2 3 and have a key tell him he needs to color in the picture using the key.

    ex(1=blue 2=red 3=yellow)

  8. The best way to help your friends son is to read to him and get him recognising words out of books, this way it will increase his vocabulary and also touchy feely books and good for him!

    So I Say: get a few books!

  9. Playdoh is great, you can make it in different colors. You can form in to shapes, letters anything you want.

  10. Just read to him, that is something easy.  Work on his name, but first just start to get him to recognize the letters in his name.  Like get alphabet magnets, and work on just the letters in his name.  Eventually, once he recognizes it, he can learn to write it.  I wouldn't worry about all the letters too much, at 3. This is more important for a four-year-old.  I would work on colors.  I would let him draw a lot, try getting some colored pencils, markers, crayons.  Switch up what he is going to write with, so it can make it more fun.  Try and limit TV.  Kids should watch no more than 1 hour per day.  This includes video games, and computer time.

  11. i sing this with my nephew who is almost 3.

    I Can Count

    You put one finger up

    You put one finger down

    You put one finger up

    And you shake it all around

    You give it a shakey-shakey

    And you turn it all about

    That's how you learn to count!

    (continue singing about as many number as desired)

    art project i do is

    Tracing feet and Counting toes

    Need: Construction Paper, crayons, pencils

    Take one construction paper and trace both of your feet, and then draw in the details needed to make your feet look more realistic, then put the numbers 1-10 on your toe knuckles.


    Follow the Teacher

    provide the directions containing a number. For example, 1 jump, 2 hops, 3 leaps, 4 tiptoe steps, etc.

  12. Well, when I used to help my cousin with his colors, I would cut up a bunch of cunstruction paper into pieces, and we pretended like we were making "soup"  I would tell him a certain recipe like 2 blue pieces, 5 brown and 1 yellow... etc...  Of coarse before I got to that stage I would help him count peices of paper and tell him what colors they were and have him repeat them back.  When he gets good at this, use different colored paper shapes and fill out recipes that involve colors numbers AND shapes... glad to help :)

  13. I've found a really good website that's called  It's based out of Australia so there's a little bit of an accent to the characters but you can still understand them(free too).  My 4 year old loves it and has learned her entire alphabet from it.  You do need to sit with him though to help him through the website.  Hope you have fun!

  14. well you could tell her about a mothers day out around your neighborhood!!  and she might want to do that!!

  15. Talk to him about colors when ya'll are using crayons. You could also count them. That is what I did with my friends son and it really helped him and, very inexpensive! It works!

  16. make snack time learning time. give the child cheerios and you can find so many things to do

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