
I keep adding salt to my tank and the salinity is not going up

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i have a 15 gallon tank and when i add salt the salinity dose not go up why is this?




  1. What type of tank do you have (saltwater, freshwater...?) What kind of fish do you have? How long has the tank been set up/had fish in it? How are you testing, what kind of salt are you using, and how much have you added? Can't answer without more info. 0.o

  2. it takes half a cup per gallon of water. so 7 1/2 cups. i would add 6 1/2 then test. then add a Little at  a time letting it circulate for an hour. then retest.

  3. You have to pour a whole lot of salt for the salinity to go up.

  4. the bag says its 1.5 cups per gallon, I use two.  A whole bag and a half to do a 75 gallon tank, what are you going to put in a 15 gallon tank, there are no fish that can live in that small of a tank other then having a nano tank with inverts. just FIY.  It will rise once all the salt has dissolved into the water.

  5. Ok Im assuming you just set this tank up, and are adding salt for the first time. After you get it in there initially, never add salt directly to the tank again. Mix it for 24 hours in a 5 gallon bucket when you are going to do a water change. ok, back to the question.  You are going to need to start with about 8 cups of salt. I hope you have a power head in the tank mixing the water really well. Wait 15 minutes. Check the salinity. You should see at least a slight increase by now!  If it is not where you want it, add half a cup....wait 5 minutes. test it again. Getting close? add just a little bit until you get it exact.  Hydrometers arent totally accurate all the time. make sure you rinse well in between test. if you let that salt water dry up in there, it isnt going to measure properly. also, make sure you are reading the results with the hydrometer sitting on a flat surface, and make sure there are no bubble on the needle. i have to gently tap the side of mine against the counter to get the bubbles off. dip it in a few times and check the results to make sure it is giving you consistent results. dont necessarily trust that first dip. anyways, good luck!!

  6. ok, STOP adding salt, it takes time for it to process read the bottle.

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