
I keep breaking glass, does anyone know what this might mean?

by  |  earlier

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So one afternoon I went to cook for a friend of mine, and when I opened my cupboard, the entire top shelf collapsed and about 10 heavy glass oven pans fell on me. Thank God they didn't hit my head, only my feet and sliced me pretty good. That same day, as I was getting ready, I knocked over the glass i was drinking in. That same evening (I swear I couldn't make this up) I knocked down and broke a shot glass at a party.

The next few days it kept happening. I'd go in the fridge, grab a bowl and it would slip from my hand and fall, break. I was drinking coffee the cup fell off the counter (without my help) I woke up one morning got out of bed and glass was place right by my feet and i knocked it over. Last night i was on the phone and knocked down my glass.

Sorry for rambling but this is so weird. I'm not usually a clumbsy person, it keeps happening with glass. Does anyone know what this might mean? I'm not a believer of bullshit either but if there is any meaning you know of.




  1. You are a walking disaster.

    Maybe you should invest in some plastic eatery and cups.

    If you like coffee or tea, then one of those travel mugs should be good in place of your mug or teacup.

    Would I be going to far if I recommended you wear a helmet on a regular basis? Thought so.....

  2. It sounds like you're clumsy or just lazy.  I go through periods where I drop things, trip, bump into walls, etc.  It's usually when I'm tired, stressed out or when my mind is elsewhere.  The only unusual item you mention is the collapse of the shelf.  If you weren't responsible for that, as you were the other events, then it's just a random coincidence.

    Did you think something paranormal was going on?

  3. That you are clumsy?

  4. that u probably shouldn't have fish as pet, it might die u know

  5. Glass doesn't like you???

  6. Take a look at who might be trying to affect you in a negative doesn't have to be "spirit" in order to cause 'accidents' or mishaps. If there is somebody that you have cause to be at odds with or who might not be happy with you...focus on them and want any thoughts they might send to you to 'bend' out of the way and either go around you or be sent directly back to them.

    As a general precaution it would be a good idea to just want ANY negative thoughts to go back to their "owner"...keeping in mind to just send the thoughts back as they came and let the Universe take it from there without wanting anything "more" to happen to them.

  7. you need to clean up a big mess?

  8. I find that periods where I drop things are from taking muscle relaxers mixed with other medications.

    When you get off the medication, you stop breaking things.

  9. Welcome to my world.There's nothing you can do.Just don't allow bare feet in your house.

  10. Wow, you really are giving yourself some message. Glass represents an emotional barrier. By breaking all the glasses you are approaching a situation where your defences will be "smashed".  

    Look to your emotions for a clue. Are your feelings for someone intensifying? Is someone you love going through a difficult time? Do you need to let someone into your heart, someone you have been holding at bay. If you can understand who and what it means emotionally you may be prepared for the huge impact on your heart that is apparently coming your way.

  11. I know what this means.  it means don't go into the glass industry.

  12. get your blood sugar tested, it could be neuropathy.


  13. your ham fisted!!!!!

  14. Randomness does not follow any rules -- it could just be a random "spike".

    If, after the first mishap, you had made a concerted effort to be careful (not that the first incident was due to carelessness), you might not have knocked over the glass.  

    But, maybe because you know you're not clumsy, you didn't take any precautions, and as the old saying goes "S#it Happens" (or to use more genteel language, "Random Events Occur").

    OTOH, if you start seeing glass items like car windows and street lights smashing 20 yards away from you, then you might want to start wearing an aluminum foil hat or somethin!!   :-)

  15. You have been cursed - "hexed" as it were. The only way to remove the curse is to move to Minnesota, change your name to "Gator", and take a job as a professional yoga teacher. Trust me - it works every time!

    OR, you could try being a little more cautious around glasses, but I would go for the sure bet - see ya' in Minnesota!!!

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