
I keep dreaming about holidays and staying in different hotels, what does this mean?

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My dreams started a few months ago and happened every so often, but now I am dreaming about holidays and hotels nearly every night! The other night I dreamt I was walking up some cobbled steps in a foreign country which led to an extremely long and high wooden footbridge which crossed a really beautiful ocean and the sun was shining on it. I can remember it clearly and wanted to stay on the bridge to look at it but was scared that the bridge wasn't safe and I quickly crossed to the other side. I dreaded the journey back as I was so afraid of the bridge. These dreams must mean something!?




  1. As a professional psychic once employed by the CIA, dreams of such extravagant escapism usually signal a major crisis is about to unfold in your life. At your level I would not doubt the death of a close family member, or even permanent paralysis of your body or an even worse fate. Good luck and keep us posted.

  2. You need a vacation

  3. Maybe you need a break, go somewhere and relax far away.

  4. Maybe this dreams are like telling you something.

    You need to get away and have a break?

    Somewhere nice and excotic.

  5. walking up the steps is a sign of improvement in some aspect of your life,the bridge represents an obstacle you must overcome to either fulfil a goal or move on from something,being so high and long probably means you have some time and to go before you achieve this,and wanting to stay on the bridge but being scared signifies being scared to move on/of change,dreading the journey back suggests that you may be scared after all the hard work and the leap of faith that you are frightened it may all be for nothing or that your fears will come back to haunt you.

  6. It could be intepreted as you feeling split up in to different places, or you are rushing around too much and not relaxing .

  7. it just means that you really cant wait for your own paradise, where to just, well.. float away! ....:D.....

  8. If a pizza is cut into 16 congruent pieces, how many degrees are in each angle at the center of the pizza?

  9. i never put too much stock in dream interpretation, because every time i try to have my dreams interpreted, i come out sounding like a raving lunatic. it probably means that you desperately want a vacation in your subconscious mind, but are worried about what may happen if you go. i don't honestly know what i'm talking about, it was just guesses based on a high school intro to psychology course, but i know there are dream interpretation sites on the web, so maybe you should check them out. try

  10. Blah blah blah it means you need a vacation. Go at it!

  11. It means you need to go on vacation =D

  12. It sounds to me like a spiritual dream.

    The holidays are your vacations from the physical realm. The hotels are telling you that your existence is only temporary places where you experience life and live in the physical realm. The foreign country part is saying that you have been many different people in many different and unusual places. The bridge indicates to me that you are able to remember your previous lifetimes and like to visit them in your dreams. It is a bridge to the other side, and  you are naturally hesitant to tread on that path but you go ahead and visit it.The cobbled steps indicate your bumpy yet upward journey on the wheel of life and death. You are in awe of creation and the Creator which shines like the Sun down on the universe and everything in it. The concern about the bridge being unsafe is a perfectly natural fear of not being able to get back when you go on these little jaunts to the ethereal world. It is so nice over there that you don't want to return, and the bridge may not be there when you need it or fail to provide the support you need to come home.

    Before you go to bed, say to yourself that you will always return safely to home and the bridge will be strong and sturdy.

    Cool dream.

    Hope this helped.

  13. try this site i use it all the time good luck and i hope i helped ya ^_^

  14. Hmmm.....I think you're in need of a holiday!

  15. relax and take yourself to a nice place and take a vacay........ then buy yourself someptin pretty

  16. it just means take a vacation

  17. take a year out and do some travelling! have fun

  18. You will be going on a vacation soon, but, it will only be by chance. Things are a little negative, so it has to be more positive for it to really happen.

  19. You've gotta get away! Get together what extra money you can and give yourself some time on the beach!

    And to Clos, 22.5 degrees.

  20. errrrr let me think deeply. hom.... you want to travel lol x

  21. because you want a holiday and want to stay in different hotels. Time to make a move.

  22. it means you wanna sleep around. a lot.


  24. Seems like it is time for you to pick a spot and go take a vacation.

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