
I keep dreaming about my mother and waking up and crying?

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I often dream about my mother. I have a very emotionally abusive past with her and I dont communicate with her anymore. However, I often have dreams about her where shes yelling and screaming at me, and I feel so scared and terrified in the dream and every time i dream it brings back terrible feelings and reminders of all the painful emotions I felt. The dreams are never the same, but they are always so clear, and I feel so trapped and helpless in them and then I wake up sobbing and the old emotions I used to feel when I was at home last flare up. What do these dreams mean? Is it just something that shows that Im still in pain about my mom? I never really have clear dreams that I remember much about, but for some reason, my dreams about my mom are always so clear and make sense. Theyve been going on for about a year now and I dont know what to do.




  1. A nightmare is a disturbing dream that causes the dreamer to wake up feeling anxious and frightened. Nightmares may be a response to real life trauma and situations. These type of nightmares fall under a special category called Post-traumatic Stress Nightmare (PSN). Nightmares may also occur because we have ignored or refused to accept a particular life situation. Research shows that most people who have regular nightmares have had a family history of psychiatric problems, bad drug experiences, people who have contemplated suicide, and/or rocky relationships. Nightmares are an indication of a fear that needs to be acknowledged and confronted. It is a way for our subconscious to make up take notice. "Pay attention!"   Click here for a more in depth look at nightmares.

    Recurring Dreams

    Recurring dreams repeat themselves with little variation in story or theme.  These dreams may be positive, but most often they are nightmarish in content.  Dreams may recur because a conflict depicted in the dream remains unresolved or  ignored. Once you have found a resolution to the problem, your recurring dreams will cease.   Click here for a more in depth look of recurring dreams..

  2. u should probably try to talk to your mom because if you begin to clear things up, the bad thought of your past will fade. Dont try to do it all at once, but be understanding that everyone makes mistakes, especially mothers because theres so much pressure raising a child of your own. i hope things work out and the dreams fade

  3. i don't know what age you are, but my heart go's out to you, i don't know what your dream's mean, maybe you miss and need her more then you realize, if you are afraid to see her, pray that you wont have that dream any more, and i will pray for you, i sinisterly hope this help,   s

  4. just your brain clearing out the old stuff.. it'll go away with time

  5. Your having these dreams because you haven't forgiven her yet! You have to forgive her for you, not her! You won't be able to let go of your past until you do. When you have truly forgiven her, the dreams will stop.

    This is how you forgive her...Accept what happen even though it was horrible, and give up the HOPE that it could of ever been different! Realise that everything happens for some weird reason (especially the bad things) and that it has made you a better person in many ways. For example...You would never treat your children that way or you can help someone else whether young or old cope with the trauma they've been through. If you still find it difficult even after that then pray and ask God to place forgiveness in your heart for your mother so that you can move forward with your life! Take Care!

  6. it's your sub-concious's way of telling you that it's time to deal with that trauma. perhaps you've been avoiding and trying to forget about it all this time. as if-- that was the past and i am moving on. obviously it's in your present so now is the time to deal with it. get closure. confront your mom. if she gives you no satisfaction, so be it. but do close that chapter in your life. if she doesn't want to help heal the relationship between you two, you will still have to forgive her... and then let go of her. moving on and healing yourself will be a wonderful experience for you, but you must face the demon, and that is, bringing the pain back out into the light. tell her how much she hurt you and how it's affected your life. she needs to know. it will be her reaping what she sowed in the past. but whatever you do, never let her abuse you again.

  7. i think ur mentally overcoming ur fear that u had for her. or maybe its a hint that u shuld find out whts going on with ur mother. usually when i dream about someone alot i usually get intouch or find out somehow how htye are, and if something teriibly happend to them.

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