
I keep dropping my right shoulder on my downswing can any1 help???

by  |  earlier

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I'm a righty and on all my irons and wedges i keep dropping my right shoulder. any advice?




  1. try some one armed swings and focus on your shoulder, not where the ball  is going

  2. Dropping shoulder is generally caused by lifting of the head, by lifting the head before making the impact your shoulder will have the tendency to drop.

    When you think about it the shoulder only has to drop 1/4 of an inch to make a 'fat' shot.

    Stand in front of a mirror, put naked picture of ya wife or what ever you want to stare at haha on the mirror, while making a full swing concentrate on that picture and dont move your head. You will see your head moving in the mirror if you do.

    Good luck :)

    Ps, this will help you spine angle as well (as previously said)

  3. Make sure your shouldres are level at address and keep your head relatively still during the swing.  You may be moving your head during the backswing and then compensating for the head movement by dropping your right shoulder on the downswing.

  4. Instead of focusing on your shoulder, focus on keeping your posture straight, in golf speak they call it your "spine angle".  Your downswing needs to be your focus.   Practice this on the range, not the course.

  5. Absolutely assume your set up position take heavy stick and Put it behind your head make sure its a stick not a club it works better. Hold the stick behind your head and make a centered turn and follow through from here you can see the visual line of the stick. In other words the stick should stay level at all times within your setup. The dip is often caused by sliding the hips on the downswing or to much weight on back foot during your set up. This drill makes you make a proper weight transfer and allows you to visually see and feel the correct motion that that the body does during you swing. After feeling this mesh your swing into this correct level shoulder turn to produce a full weight transfer into your left side with no dipping.

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