
I keep feeling unhappy/insecure with who I am as a person, is this normal for a 13 year old girl?

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What can help stop this feeling? Please help me?




  1. It's normal at your age to feel insecure all of us are undergoing the same matter but you just need to be contented on what you have. I once read a book that says life is a paradox coz you will not be contented on what you have for we are not home yet, this earth is not our final home we are just living here to prepare for eternity.

  2. its normal for teenagers to feel up and down, if it becomes a problem alot you should go see a counselor or doctor who will listen to you.  Hormones can also make you feel unhappy and insecure too and your hormones are changing because you are growing up into an adult.  If there is something that you don't like about yourself, change it.  Find and watch the documentary called "THE SECRET"  you can find some of the clips on  It will bring you hope and good feelings and could help you get out of your rut.   hang in there, don't let it take control, it will all work out, i promise;)

    also you could talk to your mom if you have a good relationship or another adult that you fee close to who could understand and be there for you.

  3. I am going through the same thing you are!! Yeah I know exactly how you feel. The best tip on this is just to be your self. Never day dream on how perfect your life can be. It just leaves you feeling unhappy with reality. Also if you have friends that you believe are way prettier, way more stylish, way more popular than you then don't hang out with them as much your going to find you self coping with jealousy. This is what I try and I am feeling a little better.

    Good luck :)

  4. of course it's normal.

    try putting on mascara, curling your eyelashes, doing things you havent before. totally remake yourself! find your true style and get a cute haircut.

    you will feel great:]

  5. its cuz other girls are trampy little super models, although i love to look at em, i feel bad for other girls who cant, or dont want to be like them.

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