
I keep finding nasty looking beetles?

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All around my house there have been these nasty looking beetles that are like a metallic orange color. We found about 10 outside and the next day one in our bath tub. Can someone tell me what type of beetles these are and why they're so many of them and if i can get rid of them somehow?




  1.'re called "June Bugs" we get them EVERY year here on the West Coast. They usually appear the last week in May and last through June and sorta disappear by July and you won't see them again till NEXT Year!


    Mostly Outdoors, though some do get into the House!

  2. yup sounds like there "june bugs"..u wana know what mexican people sometimes do..get a long srting get the bug(if ur not afraid 2 touch them) tie the srting around its thorax under the wings and fly the bug like a kite..sounds wierd i know, but its what i seen people do lol

  3. for your info. bugs are not ugly, they are just cute. and differnt, but so are blacks from whites and they are not ugly and i object to bug traps.  if you just took the time to enjoy the nature of an insect or spider im sure you would understand

  4. Hard to tell from that description, sorry. My only recommendation is to go on the internet and do a search of beetles in your geographical area. There are all kinds of websites that feature photos of insects, descriptions, hints for how to deal with infestations, etc.

  5. They sound like those damned Japanese beetles that North America had imported in from ...guess where...yes Japan they resemble the little red and black lady bug but the are no lady bug...they stink and they bite.  Apparently they eat some other annoying insect, but I prefer to deal with the other annoying insect and leave the Orange bugzilla where it originated from...

  6. get like bug traps or an exterminator!

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