
I keep getting Spyware pop ups, can you help?

by  |  earlier

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I'll be surfing, then sudden of all a box pops up that looks like Windows and says I have a virus and click "OK" to install something or other; then when I click the X to close the window, it automatically sends me to a screen and tries to install some Active X thing. The alternately I get this pop up for something p**n-y; it's almost like they're trying to shame me into buying their anti-sowftware or whatever their scam is.

I know this is a scam, and I have a virus or malware problem, the question is how do I get rid of it?

I've tried the free versions of AVG and Ad-Aware anti-spyware and they are not working (they find the bad cookies, and delete them, but they keep coming back). I've also done a full virus scan with AVG free virus software, and it came up with nothing.




  1. Download Spybot , download Windows Defender, restart computer, then run Spybot. See what the scan comes up with.

    Windows Defender and Spybot are  2 really good Spyware Programs.

    Now for Virus Protection--  2 programs of virus protection will conflict with each other and will actually cancel out the protection.

    Running Spybot and Defender, with EITHER Avast or Avg (great Free virus protection programs ) will keep a computer in good working condition.

    Links Below are Programs that WILL Help.

    I have Both AVG and Spybot on my computer.

    AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 7.5.519

    Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.5.2



    Good Luck

    Hope this information helps.


    When all else fails,...........REFORMAT !

    Save your DOCUMENTS, MUSIC AND PICTURES. You will loose everything.

  2. happened to me.

    just reinstall your computer.

  3. Your computer has got spywares thats why you're get warning and alert messages,you might also keep getting unwanted popup advertisements, you can get rid of this problem by using spyware removal software.Check out for more details.

  4. You have virus that happened to me just clean it out and install programs that will protect you form virus.

  5. Dude thats why I have widows one care! Think about it, if your computer means anything to you, you would put some decent virus software on it. The small price for virus software is no where near the cost of your computer.

    But your gonna have to reinstall windows, and just delete everything off your hard drive

  6. I get a few viruses occasionally but Windows Live OneCare takes care of all that.

  7. I hate that aswell.  I have found the best and easiest method for me, is to do a system restore to like the day before it started happening.

    Works like a charm every time for me.

  8. i believe it's more of a virse then a spyware... If you never restarted your computer when you got it .. then do so.. (delete ALL the history and cookies..)    

  9. Your infected with a malware trojan could be any one of a number of them. You need malwarebytes by ms here's the link . there lots more info if you google remove malware.

  10. Smitfraud:

    If your still have problems after run these two free programs.

  11. might have the take the extra step and pay for norton virus scanner. :(

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