
I keep getting a shooting pain in the front of my lower leg, what is it?

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It's extremely intense when it happens and I have to stop myself from yelping! It comes and goes through out the day.

I get it fairly infrequently. But I've also noticed I get a similar feeling in other places as well. My hip, my ribs, my arm...

I don't know whether it's worth calling the doctor about. Probably!

Anyone have any ideas as to what may be causing it?




  1. I think someones sshooting you wiv a low calibre weapon of sum descript 'take cover immediatly'

  2. it could be to do with your sleep  ......

    i have the same in my arms and i hate it and dont know what it is too .

  3. Seriously you need to get your back checked out to see if you have a problem with your discs.

    What your describe happened to me firstly without any back pain but that came later. I do hope that I'm wrong though as this type of pain is the worst kind of back pain you can get. There is special name for it.

    I ended up having three back operations to rectify the problems with the discs. I still do get pain the front of my right leg from time to time which serves as a timely reminder to treat my back with respect as I would never wish what I went through on my worst enemy.

  4. u have gastric prob.go 4walk baby,nd avoid oily nd spicy food.drink 2much water nd eat simple nd healthy food.okkkkkkkkk

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