
I keep getting an anonymous call!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I am a teacher and I just got a call from a student. How do I get that number?!?!?! I tried calling my phone company and I can't get a thing!!!




  1. if star 69 does not work and you are being harrassed,,,,,

    contact the phone company.......if they do nothing contact the police.................

  2. The phone company told me years ago to push a button, any number will do and say "Operator, trace this call to the police" the beep sound the phone makes has most people thinking it is for real. It has worked for me

  3. after they call again, use the redial button on the phone and see who picks up

  4. i don think you can get it

    but one of my friends says that you can just *69 them

    but ive tried and it didnt work

  5. use *77 which is ACR!! anonymous call rejection....!!

    this will help you out for tonight....then get yourself a callerID manager, and your life will be soooo peacefully again!!

  6. Try & *69 if you phone company provides the service.  

    I'd wait for awhile after they call & then ask who it is or ask if Bob's there & then ask what number you reached.

    Then you can reverse look up the number & match the address unless its a cell, but at least you'd still have the number.

    If it's your cell, it'll show up on your monthly bill as an incoming call.  At least Verizon does.

    Good luck!

  7. .

    Have a tracer put on your phone.

    If this doesnt help then have phone company change your phone number to an unlisted number and only give it to your principal for awhile....say 2-4 wks. b/4 giving to anyone else at school.........

    good luck  Maybe call police?

  8. if no other calls have come in since the students call...hit *69  (star 69)

  9. Have the call traced..if u can..!

  10. u cant

  11. theres know way if the call is bloked sorry but thats how it is

  12. HAHAHAHA NUKKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Call your phone company again tell them you are getting scary phone calls, and ask that a trace be put on the line, then the next time they call, you don't have to do a thing, it will be recorded at the phone company, and they will know where the call originated from.

    we do this all the time in court cases.,,,and legally you can do something whether  it is about school or is harassment, which is against the law.......and legally you have every right to do something, and when you find out who it is, you can contact the students parents, and let them know if this continues you have the legal right to file suit...and the student can be picked up...

    Paralegal  (19) yrs

  14. Do you use phone that show caller id? If yes, no way you can find phone number.

  15. y do u give ur # out?

    it has nothing to do w/ skool

    u cant reely do anything abt it.

  16. You probably need to upgrade you phone service to one that has caller I D and blocks unconfirmed numbers. If you received a threat, notify your police department.

  17. read your phone book,, it tells you how to put a trace on a call,, after three such calls you can contact the phone company or the local sheriffs office to have this person arrested for telephonic harrassment or stalking!!!

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