
I keep getting depressed cause of people i like letting me down?

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I keep getting depressed cause of people i like letting me down?




  1. Reduce your expectations of others: in the ultimate analysis, the only person you can truly rely on is yourself, and even then, not all the time.

    Remember, YOU CHOOSE to depress yourself: you may not be able to control events, but you CAN CONTROL your attitude, and reaction to them.

    Express your disappointment, but in a measured way, otherwise you may lose friends.

  2. that happens to me alot

    i separte myself from people

    i leave for awhile when i get back home its a little better

    but then its starts again

  3. Don't let them let you down. . .

  4. That sucks. :/ Friends or family? If it's friends then maybe you can get out more and make a couple new ones. :) That might help boost your self esteem too. And if it's family... well, that's just how they are. Lol.

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