
I keep getting error14?

by  |  earlier

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whenever I streaming music from I continue to receive the error 14 message. I previously never had any problems streaming. Now everytime I try 2-3 songs play and then the player shuts off with this message. I have followed troubleshooting advise and reinstalled Media Player and the codecs. What should I do to correct this problem?




  1. These error messages indicate that your Windows Media Player software is having difficulty connecting with Yahoo! servers.

    You may want to try the fixes mentioned in this page:

  2. I have the exact same problem. I was in contact with someone on here who seems to know quite a bit about LaunchCast and he told me he thinks the problem you and I are having is a widespread problem. So perhaps something at LaunchCast's end needs fixing (rather than at the user's end).

    NOTE ADDED: I just tried streaming LaunchCast and it now seems to be working fine for me! Good luck.

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