I've lived in 3 different states (CA, SD & TX). It was very common in CA & SD to do homeschooling and heard a lot of positive things about it. Here in TX it's a whole different story. Most of my friends here say it won't help my son confront difficult situations in the future and they have told me of a few kids who got "cabin fever" and just went wild and gave parents many problems rebelling. My son is in 2nd grade, does well in school and recently his teacher told me he is very mature for his age and that he's 2 years ahead in verbal comprehension. Everyone tells me he's so proper and well behaved. Growing up I hated school and begged my mom to put me in homeschooling and she refused, now that I have a son she wants me to pull him out of school and homeschool him because he's been bullied (not often though). I've been thinking about homeschooling him starting 6th grade if he accepts if not he'll continue with public school. What are your thoughts on the bad feedback I've gotten?