
I keep getting positive opks? please help?

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i have been using the opks for about two weeks

got my first positive on the 18th and again on 19th

then i didnt test again

then my breast began to hurt about 4 days later so i decided to test again just in case

it was also positive

then i tested sat. morning just for the heck of it and it was positive also!

and im sure its positive b/c the "test line" is darker than the "control line"

what could the the cause?




  1. take a pregnancy test after you miss your period

  2. Congrats!

  3. Whats opks?

  4. Well, the opk could be positive because you've got a lot of luteinizing hormone (LH) in your system or because you're pregnant and have HCG in your system. LH and HCG are very similar in composition and HCG can cause a positive on an OPK.  

    If I were you I'd take a home pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant. If you're not, you should go to see your doctor and find out why you keep getting positive OPKs.

  5. Well I read somewhere that if you always get a positive then you may have pcos. I doubt that is the case with you though. Opks can detect pregnancy also. You should take a pregnancy test soon. Good Luck :)

  6. get Raddy to be a mother. good luck

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