
I keep getting shot trying to save someone in my dreams. What can this mean?

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In my dreams I have dove in front of bullets to save my dad (twice I think) and some random person. I recently got shot (in a dream) helping a policeman capture a couple of criminals.




  1. Your are feeling like someone is blaming you for something you did not do.  Since you took a bullet for your father, you may feel like you were blamed for something you consider him to have been responsible for. He may have actually falsely accused you (passing the buck back and forth).

    Regardless, you are upset or angry about being falsely accused.   Especially since whatever you are being blamed for you had approached with good intentions.

  2. Your dream suggests that you have some notions of expressing bravery that you feel inside you.

    Perhaps you are one of those people who is prepared to dart into harm's way to help others.  People are made differently in this regard - sometimes those whom we'd think were the obvious brave souls shrink, others who appear far less likely often act in astonishingly bold ways to save others from peril.

    Whatever the case in your own true make-up, your mind is wrestling with this idea.  It may be one of resolving in your own thoughts what you would do if confronted with such a situation.  We would all like to know how we would act if we could, but the truth is we can't really know until that split-second real incident happens - heaven forbid.  No matter what our training, what is truly inside emerges under that test.

    In that your dad, a stranger and a policman were involved in separate incidents, you've 'experienced' a range of challenges: your dad would be one of familial ties, but the role is reversed - you save the one who would normally sacrifice himself for his child.  With the stranger, you demonstrate an inner thought of gallantry - you risk it all for someone whom you know nothing about out of a sense of humanity.  In the case of the policman, it appears to be justice itself that drives you - and perhaps the safety of others in doing so.  The common thread is the willingness to risk complete self-sacrifice for the preservation of others - a very bold humanitarian notion.

    It seems then that your mind is mainly helping you explore some growth thoughts that run through your mind subconsciously - it is a process of helping you discover more about yourself and what to expect from your own person in life.

    All the best to you.

  3. It means you should stop acting like a bullet shield and start shooting the bad guys before they shoot the other people.  It not only saves the other guy and stops the bad guy, it also keeps you from being shot.  You are attempting an idealistic but unrealistic action, when the most effective thing would be for you to have your own gun and know how to use it.

  4. You, my friend, are Martin Luther King III. Congradulations!

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