
I keep havin nightmares of the same thing.

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Some times I have dreams and they actually happen. Like I had a dream my aunt getting in a car crash, a Year later...

She got in a car crash and now is permanently disabled. I had a dream my previous snake died, a few months later, He died..

Now I have been having dreams of a hooded man at my window, then next dream, he came in the house, then the next dream, he drawn a sword covered with blood, next dream he slashed at me then stopped having them...

Will it happen??? Am I having visions of some kind.




  1. Do you live on Elm Street?

  2. If you are having uncomfortable nightmares you could go to a doctor and get treatment with REM suppressing drugs. That way you won't have any dreams.

  3. i somtimes have dreams that come true but thats just coincidence

  4. Some dreams are literal and others are symbolic. You are the boss. You can control what you dream about. Just ask you guides not to send dreams that puzzle or frighten you. If you want you can ask for answers to questions you have about anything to come in dreams and your guides will send it if appropriate. Or you can plan a trip in astral travel to anywhere you wish before hand. Just ask.

  5. wow thats amazing.. think you should consult a doctor instead of asking us. physocology doctor or something to do with such problem. maybe you can get heal from there.  

  6. go see a doctor.

  7. Lol muuuh I have dreams that I'm being killed literally every night. It's no big deal!! They're fun after a while! :D

    It's all the thrill you can't get by playing video games.

    Except in my dreams it's usually like zombies or mutated dogs... Sometimes there's this guy in a bloody bunny suit from Silent Hill (Games only). I hate the bunny-suit-guy, though, because he always wins, and he sometimes gets my family, too. >___>

  8. This sounds alarming....I agree, consult your doctor about this.  It's a sad fact but they might think you're either schizophrenic or crazy and even tell you to see a psychiatrist.  But if you know yourself, that you're not that, then maybe you should talk to someone like a psychic. Maybe they could help you understand your nightmares.

    As for this dream though, I seriously hope it won't happen.  but from what you're sounds like you're possible psychic....

    and I think this because I know someone, who can sees/sense things before they happen also.

  9. These kinds of dreams happen to me often (the ones that come true not the hooded man ones) most of the time there not visions the just coincedents (i know i dont spell well) most people who dont beleive in psychics would tell you that.

    But i beleive that some psychics are real (f-- john edwards) so some of your dreams might be real visions.. Id watch for hooded men....

  10. maybe your psychic. sleep wih the lights on.  

  11. you have an underlying issue that allows your brain to have this particular dream I do understand because I too have had a reoccuring dream that for the longest time has haunted me.  Usually this dream comes when I have something stressful to deal with. There are different kinds of people and for selected few we have the ability to know when something is going to happen it is our way of preparing ourselves dont be scared take as sign and go from there

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