
I keep having a dream I win the big huge lotto jackpot...does that mean it will come true??

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I keep having a dream I win the big huge lotto jackpot...does that mean it will come true??




  1. Hello hun

    First off it's never impossible for dreams to come true (I've seen it happen)

    However, it's more than likely that this dream isn't about the lotto per say.

    Usually when dreaming about the lottery it suggests the idea of gaining big by taking a chance or risk

    It could also be that you have won or been lucky or will be in the waking life.

    Also it's the ability to take chances

    So in your case it could mean that there is or will be a situation that will be a "risk taker" and you will be contemplating it your dream is telling you to TAKE THE RISK! you will gain big and win

    perhaps you are not much of a risk taker hence the re-occuring dreams to push you ot take that risk when the time comes or to tkae it now if it's already staring you inthe face.

    Hope that helps hun

    S (Dream Expert)

  2. No it doesn't mean you will win the lotto ; unless you think about it every   day ; so yes because its just your subconscious who  is working over time ; but if you not think about the lotto ; its a good dream because you will know a success in your life ; who would be better than winning the lotto

  3. No, you are to obsessed about winning but if its the contrary look at the positive, you'll be rich!!

  4. wow. don't we all dream that? & does it happen 2 all of us?

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