
I keep having dreams about bees, what do they mean?

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I have had three bee dreams that I can remeber over the last 2 weeks or so. In my first dream I was outside and there were ppl around me but I couldn't tell who they were. And then I saw the bee and it was cassing me and trying to sting me...then I woke up. The second dream I had I was getting into a car or I was in a car and then there was a bee there trying to sting me and I woke up....and I also couldn't tell who the ppl were around me in that dream. Then last night I had another dream about a bee. This time I was in the shower....but I had alll my clothes on and the water was not running. Then I was stading there and out of no where there was a bee flying around trying to sting me....then I started screaming in my dream....and then there were a tone of baby bees in the bathtube. (it was like a bathtube shower) Then I quikly got out of the tube, still screaming and found my dad....he was just in the hallway outside the bathroom. Then I asked him to kill the bees and then I woke up.




  1. A bumblebee is symbolic of distress and coming problems.

    Since those bees are out to sting you, I'm thinking there may be some problems coming your way that you're going to have to deal with.  

    Dream 1

    Outside with people you don't know and the bee was trying to sting you.

    Dream 2

    You were getting in a car and the bee is there to sting you.

    Dream 3

    You were in the shower, dressed and no water was coming out of the shower.  The bee was trying to sting you.  You called your Dad, those bees multiplied into a lot of baby bees, you reached to your Dad but he did not kill the bees.  

    I believe there is something in your life that you have not dealt with and it just rearing it's ugly head.  It could be money, a relationship, something at work - but whatever it is, it is yours alone to deal with and it knows where to find you.

    Dream 1 - Those people you don't know are the unknown aspects of yourself that you must deal with.  

    Dream 2 - The car is symbolic of your life.  You can't even get in your car and go b/c of that pesky bumblebee.  

    Dream 3 - In a place where there is normal to be naked and have running water, you're doing the opposite.  You can't be yourself and you just cannot afford any exposure, not going to chance it.  When you call out to your Dad to help you with the problem, he doesn't.  In this dream you see those little buggers multiplying.  

    I'm not sure what the issue would be - but I think if you really put your mind to it, you can find out and work towards a resolution to this.  

    Best of luck!!!

    If this is off mark, I've attached an article that has a link to dream dictionaries at the end.

  2. Take a look at these sites and you may find something that will help:

    Good luck.

  3. to dream of bees means harmony, good fortune, ect.

    But to dream of being stung by bees means that their will be unexpected misfortune or you will be surrounded by trouble.

    Your father represents protection and authority.  which means you have to be more self reliant or that you need to be closer to your dad.

    So i think your dream is trying to tell you that you will eventually be faced with a problem  in which you have to rely on yourself.

    I hope this was able to help you.  Let me know what you think.

    below is a website that is very useful to me and hopefully it can be useful to you.

  4. I highly recommend  It has a vast library of common themes in your dreams and can help you piece them together. Here's what it had to say:


    To see bees in your dream, symbolizes good luck, harmony, and bliss. Bees are also symbolic of work and industry as represented by the common phrase "busy as a bee."

    To dream that you are stung by a bee, signifies unexpected misfortune. You will be surrounded by trouble and severely reprimanded.


    To see a bumblebee in your dream, is symbolic of distress and coming problems.

    Since it's just one bee, apparently its also one thing that is stressful in your waking life.  You have to figure out what it is that is stressing you greatly in order to stop it from affecting your dreams.  Does it have to do with school, friends, family?  Since you're not stung yet either it seems to be more of a threat of a problem than anything else at the moment.  Also, the fact that you seek your father in your dream is probably an indication that he may be able to help you with that particular stress of yours in your waking life and the fact that he hasnt "killed" it yet is an indication that threat still lingers.  Just think give it some thought and I'm sure you'll figure it out. Hope this helps!

  5. have you acctually been stung by a bee recently?

    maybe you have experienced that & were very scared by it.

    I doubt it means you are going to get stung by a bee soon.

    Or maybe you watched a movie with a bee.

    Or something is making a buzzing noise in your room when you sleep. That could make you think of bees in your dream.

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