
I keep having dreams my husband cheated on me ??

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i can honestly say i have never cheated on my husband...we have been together since we were of 11 years...there was this nasty , w***e that was hanging around his work place..she was there with her husband ..they were both really nasty , swingers , they were friends of the husband would constantly come home telling me how nasty they were and nasty s*x stories they shared with the boss that he over heard...oh by the way the boss is my father in husband acted very diguested when he would tell me they stories , and he would make comments like i wish my dad would just run them off...okay those nasty s****s finally moved far away...okay that was over 4 years ago ...i keep having dreams where i catch my husabnd in bed with her , i even wake up and im so mad at him , likeit really did happen....i feel like he has cheated on me b4 ..i dont know why ? he dont show any signs of a cheater..but i just have a gut feeling he has..i have asked him several time if he has cheated on me , and he gets so mad at me , he said he isnt even gone answer me anymore , he sick of me acusing him...I dont understand why , i feel this way this normal ??




  1. Wisdom is knowing when your suspicion is nothing more than you reflecting your insecurities off on him.

    Look inside yourself and decide what you gain by feeling so insecure: pain, uncertainty, anger, wrinkles, gray hair.

    Speculating about what you don't know isn't doing you any good. Unless some hard evidence walks in front of you, don't sweat it. It's just not worth driving yourself nuts over.  

  2. apparently this is something that is on your mind a whole lot. If you have never caught your husband cheating, then you need to let this go before you send him out to cheat. Think of something different before you go to bed and i am willing to bet that your morning will be better. Fastest way to run your man off is to accuse him of doing something that you have no proof that he did

  3. Dee, have you ever heard of the Pied Piper?

    It's a tall tale about a man that played a flute and the animals would follow him everywhere he went.

    One day he was hungry and decided to show people what he could do with that flute and everybody looked astonished, but gave him no time of day when he said he hungered.

    Door after door he knocked and they all turned this peasant away.

    So what he does next is decides to tell everybody he's going to make stone soup and everybody wanted to know what stone soup was and he said I'll make it for you, but we need somethings.

    So all the people rushed to their homes to get carrots, potatoes, celery, tomatoes and brought all of this to the towns square. He then started a fire and a big huge pot was placed on it.

    He placed a few rocks in the boiling water and had all the people put their vegetables in the pot.

    In reality, what he was doing was fooling people in to making a soup thinking it would be something different because it had three rocks in it.

    He ate for days and days from that big pot of soup.

    He then gathered up his things and grabbed his flute and started to play the pipes and all the married women adored him for what he showed them about stone soup and husbands became raged.

    Had the husbands not told their wives to give anyfood away the pied piper could not have made the soup.

    If you call the kettle black you better paint it black because what your doing is calling out the dogs and what shows up may not be a dog, but the w***e of whores that want to listen to your music that you play to your husband.

    Stop asking is like not playing the flute.


    this website helps interpret the meanings to your dreams.  

  5. I used to go thur that same thing,some times you wake up ready to start swinging b/c you think your dreams were husband and I have been together for 12yrs and I know he would never cheat on me but my dreams are due to being cheated on in the past and being hurt so badly,don't let your bad dreams ruin your relationship,dreams do not mean he is or has cheated on you.

  6. quit being paranoid and you only know the answer. He may have told youabout the s****s because you are his wife and he only told you because as a wife you were apart from it. Sounds like he places you above the s****s and you are his real love.  He is telling you that you are his Queen in his life.  Does he stay out at strange hours?   He may just be confiding with you as a wife and if a husband can't talk about things without a wife getting upset he will seek an ear and a willing female elsewhere

  7. Normal. I honestly can say that is false. The devil trying to make you feel miserable and trying to bring you down during a happy time in marriage. If you steal feel this you can hire a private person to follow him. It's cost like 75 dollars, though.

  8. Okay, girl when we have dream, generally, they mean the opposite of what is taking place in the dream. Your can do a Yahoo search on dreams and get a free look at what some dreams really mean. It may give your more insite.

    I have been with my husband for 15 yrs. This can cause unnecessary problems between you and your sweetie. If you have no proof, let it go. Enjoy every day you have, if he is good to you. Love him up and let him know that no woman could be as good to him as you are. ( of course i mean in the bed) Be spontanious, when he rolls over to hug you good night, forget to have put on your panties. They love that. It is a total invite, without you feeling gross, or icky.

    Good luck girl.  

  9. it's normal, i had a few dreams that

    my husband was cheating.  

  10. You are very insecure. You put too much of your indentity in your husband and your marriage. Be happy with yourself. No matter what happens. If my husband cheated on me I would not be pleased at all but I wouldn't look at it as a reflection on me. I don't need him to define myself. I am me with or without him. He just adds happiness to my life. Put your mind to better use and stop obsessing about what may or may not happen.  

  11. Hey,

    I honestly don't know the answer to your question..

    But heres an expericence of mine:

    My Boyfriend of 3 years came home from school so many times telling me how big of a 'hoe" this one girl was and how "nasty' she was that she was having s*x in teh bathrooms at school..And all of this and it turned out that he was the guy she was doing all of this "nasty" stuff with.

    So maybe you should think about what he meant when he said she was nasty. Men are weird.

    You may contact me:

  12. Yes, your brain is processing information given to you in a way that makes you think it is actually happening. But I can almost assure you that it is not. Tell your husband about your crazy dreams (but be sure you are in a calm state and do it laughingly). His reaction will probably be one of laughter and disbelief because it is  not happening. Just say, "hey, you know that nasty couple, etc...I keep having dreams about them, isn't that wierd?" See what he says. I agree w/answer #1, the devil is attacking your marriage. Sorry for non-religious people on here, but it's true. Just go scroll through the stories of heartache on YA and think about it....the devil don't want us bein' happy!  So we have to fight him by not believing his lies. And this is one of his lies. Your hubby loves you.

  13. If you look this type of dream up in a dictionay it will tell you it means the opposite -- that you're the one subconsciously thinking of cheating =)

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