
I keep having dreams that something is attacking the world, what does that mean?

by  |  earlier

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yeah so recently i had a dream that aliens where blowing up the world, but the dream was a mix between the war of the worlds (especially at the end of dream) and Independence day. and some time ago i had a dream that a large plastic ram (don't ask) was attacking the world. and then like a few months ago i had a dream that a dragon was attacking the world. but thats just to name a few i gotta lot more.




  1.   This is the dream sequence of a very insecure person. You have recently had a shattering experience, in your life. When i say recently it could go back six months or so. the most likely cause is the passing of a much loved older relative, a grand parent possibly. A break up of a relationship. Insecurity in the work place, so many things can trigger this form of repetitive dreaming . Now that you have the possible causes all you have to do is search you own surroundings and find the cause.

    Good luck in your search.

  2. lol, that is odd, but do you read alot of science fiction? The things that you read, see, hear, feel etc. have been known to enter dreams. So that could be a factor, plus maybe you have a fear that just consumes you with fright when you think about it. It doesn't really mean anything, its probably just memories that are in your subconscious.

  3. I agree with 7 of 9...I think this is some type of dream representing satan and his demons attacking the people of the world.  This could be a prophetic type dream.

  4. Its a sign that the world is close to the end & somthing big will shak us.

  5. It seems to me that you are experience a reoccurringg dream. This is something that many people experience.Unfortunatelyy it is hard to answer this question without a question. I would ask yourself what is it about the world that is so threatening to you? What, in your personal life is causing you to experience stress in the manner that you are? What is the significance of these animals that are perhaps your protectors? I feel through some introspection you will be able to answer the question. I personally would journal the dreams so in afterthought you may be able to better understand yourself.

  6. The dragon is an easy one, the dragon is usually protrayed as satan and he is always tryign to take as many people with him as he can, so that was an easy interpretation.

    By the way demons can shape shift into any form they want to including ghosts and I believe soemtimes, aliens.

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