
I keep having nightmares where I am literally trapped inside them for days and weeks (in the dream)?

by  |  earlier

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does anyone else have this problem and how do you wake yourself up?




  1. i was just gonna say what he did. i have nightmares on a continuous basis so usually by causing yourself physical pain, it works for me most of the time.

  2. Take some type of medication before you go to bed even if its just tylenol to see if it will change your dream state .Are you on medication for anything now?it could be affecting you try to take it at a different time if you are.

  3. I've never had a dream where I'm trapped for seemingly long periods of time, but there are some ways of waking yourself up.

    It doesn't have to be a lucid dream (where you know you're dreaming and control the dream), but usually you can control your basic actions and movements in a dream. Call me weird, but if you are aware enough in your dream, start hitting yourself on the head as hard as you can.

    I'm not sure if I actually hit myself (in real life) when I do it, but I always wake up really quickly.

    Sometimes you wake up quickly and it's a little confusing or you don't remember it, but it always works for me when I'm trying to get out of a bad dream.

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