
I keep having strange dreams about the same person?

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I keep having weird dreams about a girl I used to talk to, but now I rarely do. She comes to my school and has a boyfriend. The dreams are scenarios that involve me trying to save her from something and her being drawn to me. But then when I wake up I feel like I'm really close to her for a few seconds, but then it goes away. Why am I having these dreams? Is anyone like an expert on dreams? Why is it this girl? Is there something special about her to me? Why so often?




  1. i think you should get to know her and possibly you may stop having dreams about her?

  2. Without knowing your former relationship to her, it's difficult to say. Men often have dreams of 'saving' or 'protecting' others. It's your need to be the alpha male-- the strongest one. You could possibly be manifesting situations with this girl in danger so that you can swoop in and save her, therefore gaining her love and devotion. You may have feelings for her, or she may simply be a 'placeholder' for your need for adoration.

    If you know the boy she's seeing, you may not like him or you may be remembering times when you've seen him act rough with another girl, therefore making you feel like you have to save her.

    The more obvious explanation, however, is that you're simply jealous of the new boyfriend or, more likely, the situation. Whether you want her or you just want to be in a relationship in general, she's managed to move on and get that while you may not have. there's something about 'them' that is making you jealous. You're also making yourself out to be the grandiose hero, exaggerating your own abilities to make her want you more than the other guy. this tells me that, again, you desire to be more than you are, or to have more than you do.

    Take a look at your life and your former relationship with her. I'm not sure if it's really her that you want or just the idea of her and a feeling of proactivity that a new relationship has. What is it about her that you like? More importantly, what is it about your own life that you want to change?


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