
I keep having the same dream the same over again and when I wake up I think "Thank god that was not real"?

by  |  earlier

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what do you think it means...

In the dream I am working night shift again ( I used to work night shift for 2 years and I NEVER could get my head around it. I was drained/depressed all the time and felt ill. I had to leave the job for a much lower paid day time job. I would never work night shift again, Not even for 20 x more than I earn now )

Anyway back to my question... Why do I keep having this strange dream where I am working night shift again and I wake up thinking "Thank god that was not real"

Thank you for your answers.




  1. hmm, sounds interesting, im not dream interpreter. but it sounds like that period in your life was extreemly difficult. maybe you just a little emotionally effected. nd tht could be why your having these dreams.

    you know you could ask a dream interpreter, theyd give you a fair idea.

    i used to hve a dream everynight that i was losing my teeth, nd i was real embrrassed in my dream, i went to an interpreter and she said i have some thing i need to tell someone. like a lie i need to correct.

    i listened and it worked! the dream left me for good.

  2. I don't know.

    Watch those dream shows on discovery health.

    They usally answer your dreams

  3. I think u answered ur question! God just wants u honor him more, be more thankful. I mean, God brought u 2 the job u enjoy now so just b more thankful 4 that!

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