
I keep having these dreams!?

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Ive had about 5 dreams in different slaughterhouses. One I saw a cow hanging upside down and last night was about these chickens hanging upside down. The guy cut the throat of one and let it go. Why am I having these dreams!? Im already a vegetarian trying to go vegan. Help?




  1. well, maybe you are thinking about how you don't like meat, I bet it just grosses you out or something. The dream is showing a fear of meat/animals being killed.

  2. i agree with rachael.....sometimes it's as simple as dreaming what is on your mind.  if you're thinking a lot about inhumane treatment of animals it's not a surprise that you would dream about it.  don't worry, it will pass.....but i'm sorry you're having to endure such horrible images instead of sleeping peacefully =(

  3. You crave meat.  Eat a cheeseburger!

  4. I would suggest going to a proffesional for your dream evaluating, we don't know much here. ;)

  5. I think it is saying go vegan sooner and take up activism.

  6. You answered your own question. You're a vegetarian and your lifestyle is probably something that you think about alot. Do you often tell people about how you eat on a daily basis? That could be it.

  7. Being a vegetarian is probably why your having dreams about slaughtering...Because if it's something you believe in strongly your mind kind of goes in to a overdrive when you sleep forcing you to have dreams about something you really don't want to have dreams about....

  8. Maybe your body has a erg to eat meat.

  9. well do u watch scary movies b4 u go 2 bed or eat b4 u go 2 bed cause that might give u nightmares.....or mabey it's dejavu and you might go 2 a slauter house and really see that idk

  10. 1) stop watching those videos i know they make you think about the injustices but they are only polluting your mind those dreams must be horrible think of other things things that would be classified as dreams and not nightmares think rainbows!

  11. this happened to me when i first became a vegetarian! my mind was occupied with now eating meat and animal rights, so at night i would lay in my bedjust thinking about the cruelty that involves the meat industry. its ok!

  12. maybe because of a not proper sleep.take the advice of a sychiatrist.

  13. Stay away from the PETA videos. They should be rated "for adults only."

  14. Most dreams are metaphorical. It probably represents something you fear or loathe besides the obvious.

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  15. Perhaps your mind is reminding you why you're going vegan; showing you the kinds of pain that animals must go through when they're slaughtered. It doesn't mean that your mind is trying to persuade you, because you're already a veggie/almost vegan, I just think that it is encouraging you to keep going with that.


  16. because your mind is preoccupied with thinking about becoming a vegan and is subconsciously trying to rationalise making that decision by conjuring up horrible images of what you will be trying to avoid.

  17. i think you want to eat meat

  18. dreams are a mishmash of everything you think about, see do, anything. If its something your thinking aboout frequently, which you may do because you are obviously conscious of animal cruelty being a vergetarian, then its only too likely you will dream about it. Don't think anything of it is my advice.

  19. If I had to guess, I would say you're having some trouble going vegan and your mind is trying to help you rationalize your decision. Veganism is a very extreme diet and certainly isn't for everyone. It is not a natural diet and requires a lot of effort in today's world. So, if going vegan is that stressful, hold off on it for now. Try it again when you've had some time to figure out some details.

  20. personally those sorta dreams make me hungry, so i don't see the big deal.

  21. I have dreams like this as well sometimes, it used to happen much more.  It's what your mind is preoccupied on and therefore you dream about it.  Try reading a book before you go to sleep and clearing your mind to relax right before bed.  I find that if I'm reading something about veg./veganism then I will have dreams about it.  Relax, it's all about clearing your head.  

    Good luck.

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